Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Go to the Whip

I have been rereading a most interesting book where you would never
presume to find Wisdom for most of America's problems today, because it
was from a little boy of 1812 who grew up to be a ship's captain after
he was orphaned and his extended family sold him into the trade of shipping.
When Charles Tyng could have blamed the world time and again if failures
and setbacks, he simply whacked mutinous crews over the head, threatened
to shoot French pilots and built his own trading empire.

Tyng tells a very interesting tale which could really help America I
believe now in all the crime we have. He related that Havana of the
1820's was an assassins haunt with bodies laid out in the morning for
families to come pick up in a daylight were cutthroats would rob people
on the street.
People would run to windows when crime occurred, close them and leave
the victims to their rapine as being a witness meant being held in
prison for a trial.
It was a horrid place where even the elite refused to pay workers their
wages and Havana, Cuba was in meltdown.

Into this the Spanish government sent a Governor by the name of Tacon.
The first thing he did was tell the common people to come to him with
their complaints and he would protect them and see they got justice.
A carpenter arrived complaining a Don refused to pay him for work he had
done. Tacon ordered the police to seize the furniture of the Don to pay
the debt..........the Don seeing a new law was in Cuba buckled as his
furniture was being hauled out and paid the debt.

Tacon went on with the petty crimes of robbery as they were clogging the
prison system. He judged that each thief would be whipped on every
corner of the street where the crime was committed. It was how he
handled lesser crimes.
For murder he hung them and for other felonies there was a chain gang.

In one months time, Tyng reported Havana and all of Cuba became as safe
as 1820 America which was void of crime.

Right now America has millions of prisoners costing taxpayers 65,000
dollars per prisoner. Numbers of these are heinous, but numbers of them
theft, drug related and crimes not worth citizens paying almost a half a
million dollars for the sentence to be carried out. In that kind of
idiocy, the citizens are being robbed twice.
For that reason, Tacon belongs in modern America. Courts need to have
Congressional authority to start whipping criminals just as Tacon
stated. 25 lashes on each corner of a city block would do wonders in
spanking these low lifes to if not a fear of God into them at least a
fear of bull leather woven tight.
It would be a wonderful lesson for children to see that things are not
so ghetto kewl with a pimp howling like a dog begging for it to stop.

Whipping won't kill a criminal, but it certainly will put serious
hesitation in them the next time they think on victimizing society.

In that simple solution most of our criminals will be out of prison just
like in Havana and a new work force will be employable instead of illegals.

As this is an advocacy of what Tacon accomplished in setting an entire
Cuban society free, a society which America once was, I would also
advocate a doctrine for heinous crimes which I came up 20 years ago.

Congress should enact a law that stops rewarding "attempted" murderers
and rapists. Why give these criminals a lesser sentence just because
they messed up in harming someone. Let one sentence fit all.
In that sentence it has been proven time and again that all violent sex
criminals can not be rehabilitated. South Dakota has perfected this past
month a lethal injection execution which puts a criminal to death in
three breaths and they do not know it happened as it is that fast.
So in clearing our prisons, I advocate a Justice like Judge Parker of
True Grit fame whose cases once heard could only be overturned by a
Presidential pardon. America needs a execution judge whose mandate is to
review all murder, rape, pedophile and brutal assault cases and direct
the states and federal government to execute the criminal in 24 hours.
Failure to do so the case would be federalized, the Governor of the
state found in contempt and whipped on every corner of the capitol as
the criminal was executed under the "Judge Parker" rule.

In addition this execution judge would be able to commute sentences not
in reducing them, but increasing the death penalty in cases such as
Charlie Manson who was on death row and pedophiles who will never be
With a non interference clause in the "Judge Parker" rule, that all
parties interfering in protests or legal challenges in tying up the
courts or creating chaos they too will be held in contempt of court and
whipped and that includes other judges trying to Jimmy Carter gum up the
Make an example of the thugs leading the mob and the mob will go home
and behave themselves.

I predict in 1 year America will be the most peaceful, polite and
advancing culture on the planet in civility. The courts will be free of
being overloaded, the police will have less of case overload and
American communities with have 130 billion dollars for advancement
instead of prisons.

Keep the fines on the stupid freedom destroying laws like seatbelt laws
until people figure out to toss the tyrants out who implemented them
too, but go to the whip. It is long overdue in this American horse race
and the liberal, criminal and sloven have ruined the field and require a
taste of the leather to bring them to their senses.

2 million criminals, serial rapists, pedophiles, sex fiends, children
looking like tattooed slaves out of Sodom and serial murderers with
nothing but vulgarity from liberals online to on television like Bill
Maher have proven their system is ruinous. They created this problem and
have become the problem.
A just soul has nothing to fear of the law's chastisement and a criminal
deserves a reckoning punishment that is punishment not an air
conditioned confinement on a soft bed where they can learn to become
more hardened criminals.

America was once such a place and that lesson was learned to the 1950's
when punishment was taken away. Tacon was right and proved it. I repeat,
Go to the Whip.
