Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bill Maher a Scared Child

Mr. Bill Maher follows very distinct traits in his private live and
public manifestations. The base as you noticed is degrading others in
usually calling them stupid and the rest deals with his sexual obsession
in naming most things in a sexual nature with the F word.

What is important about this is simple: Bill Maher for all the debating
he does (If you notice like Tim Russert, Mike Wallace etc.... the stage
is always a set up and they are on the attack making people react to a
setting they are in control of.) is not debate at all, but reveals how
really ignorant he is and incapable of a stand up mental fight.

Not meaning to degrade Tim Russert, but as example he was on Jeopardy
and he could not even answer the simple celebrity questions. For Al
Franken they had to run entire Saturday Night Live questions to make him
appear intelligent.

Understand that Maher is not intelligent and he does not know how to
make points, so in his vocabulary is always hidden that TRUTH in reverse
of Bill Maher is telling the world he is stupid.

Maher is actually a very scared person inside like most liberals. He
like the bully is louder, more on the attack and more malevolent because
he knows how incapable he is on neutral ground. He also is terrified of
intimacy in people getting close to him. It is why he factors everything
in sexual terms and why in his life fornication is his only means of
dealing with his seesaw war going on inside of him. If you have numbers
of women you can hide how incapable of relationships by being seen as
prowess and therefore hide one is incapable of dealing with the adult
situation of marriage.

This is Bill Maher at his core and as unattractive as he is in private
as public. People have to understand though that Bill Maher knows all of
this and is running every day of his miserable existence. Bill Maher is
just a scared child (who the world sees as a very pip squeek, ugly and
not appealing person just like he still sees himself as a child) in
seeing that, he is simply inflicting the first wound into others before
they can hurt him. Now Conservative and Christian words have a purpose
in they are just reacting to something he inflicted and it is his excuse.

The reason Bill Maher hates Christians, Catholics (he was one once),
Patriots, Americans, Republicans, Christians, George Bush and people
like Matthew Sheppard is they have something Maher will never have on
his own.....and that is the God given gift of Peace inside. Yes all of
the above struggle, but we struggle to overcome weaknesses in not
allowing sex, foul language, debauchery etc... destroy us. The laws we
uphold are difficult, but only in that does each person grow to a more
complete person.

Bill Maher and all liberals though reject God and seek a secular salve
by making sodomy, aborticide, immoral indulgence "legal". That is why
they hate Americans in Americans are facing themselves unafraid and each
day expose how terrified liberals like Bill Maher are in being exposed
as the scared children they are.

It is all quite unromantic and at their cores they are bigots, racists
and traitors to themselves and all around them, but they get the million
dollar salaries and join in these mobs to protect one another.......and
it infuriates them not having a daddy in power to give them the illusion
they are really in control.

For there sits George Bush, they tried every horrid, nasty, illegal
thing they could come up with from planted stories, forged documents,
lying, and plamegate coups...and there he sits all alone showing the
mass of them how utterly weak they are.

Bill Maher, if more people would understand how he operates would crawl
away in tears and melt down as he is rather a simple human void of
anything complex. He is just a scared child and of no consequence.