Sunday, July 8, 2007

Kill the earth to save it and Murder people to save them

This second post was so good in tying in the original post on Terri
Schiavo and the butchery of "health care" that it is necessary to link
GlobAL Warming to the same cartel behind it all for power and profit.

"Global Warming" as proven by this story is nothing more than an
extension of the "medical cartel" which is all run by the banking
cartels of Rockefellers in America and Rothschilds in Europe with the
German Warburgs.

Global Warming is designed to so tax free nations to implode them into
forever enslavement from lack of travel to only existing on benefits as
the elite dictate to all. Idiot rockers send a message to kill the
planet in all their pollution in order to save it.

It is no different than the medical cartel in America run by the
Rockefellers from controlling the entire AMA which dictates to doctors
"acceptable treatments" which only poison human bodies, butcher human
bodies or radiate human bodies.....all because like "carbon footprints"
there is mass profit to be made in it and control over corporations
making them criminal for doing business.

Take for example in the medical equal of Terri Schiavo camped out in
heaven that the
liberals should have left the story behind, but yet there are still
stories popping up arguing "whether Terri knew or not".
Apparently even Godless ilk have troubled souls and their Rockefeller
medical cartel is still trying to convince the world that murdering
people is a good thing as the stories still are there riding Terri
Schiavo one last time.

People know when they ponder this that the facts prove perfectly well Terri
and others were souls very well and alert to what is going on. As a
personal example to all the information coming in my aunt went into a
coma from a botched cancer operation on her intestines where they had
the bowel leaking poison into the rest of the body.
The doctor wanted to end it for her, but the family said no. I honestly
thought she was dead, but she recovered and she HEARD EVERY WORD PEOPLE
WERE SAYING. So much for brain dead, comatose and lights out Ronald
Reagan who knew very well what was going on as the soul is alive even
when the brain is not functioning 100%.

"These people" know all of this and it is their deliberate misleading
the subject which allows them to carry out what they really want and
that is genocide of invalids. The entire Terri case was based not on
her ability but on the insurance running out and her not being a profit
any more.
All the diseases of the Rockefeller medical establishment are designed
to make multi billions of dollars before people die in order to glean
from them their last nickles. It is only after "treatment" has drained
all the insurance and personal assets are they allowed to die.
Treatments only last so long as the money keeps coming in.

That is what their "writers" are doing in being paid for shills of this
"cropping" of the masses.
Did you ever wonder why is it seat belt laws are designed to keep
people alive and cigarettes are being outlawed as a health concern?

Yet they abort millions of children and have been quietly murdering
invalids for years in not wanting to keep them alive.

That sounds like a dichotomy until you realize that people in auto
wrecks DIE and there is no profit in it just as cigarettes actually
keep people "healthy" in not catching colds and keeping their weights
down so they don't get diabetes and heart disease, so there is no
profit in that....and if smokers do get cancers they actually die
before any "treatment" can glean millions from them.

That is why you have to wear a seatbelt, so you can stay alive and your
crippled body can make billions for the Rockefeller medical cartel and
why cigarettes are being banned, because this cartel needs people sick
to make money.
The same is true for aborticide as it is a billion dollar industry in
cropping people so the elite can have resources and all those masses
will not join in revolution to the murdering of invalids so they will
not tax they system instead of putting money into it.

These people know all of this and it is a sadistic agenda meant to
sheer people like sheep and carve them up like poultry for profit.

Global Warming and Mercy Murder, there is no difference. All you have to
do is follow the money and it all leads to one thing. Legal murdering of
people and 21st century high tech slavery of 7 billion people.

Where is the call for this echoing for the world to throw off these
robber barons in E Pluribus Unim.