Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This time take note of the Threat

As of the past several years since 9 11, it has become evident that a
coup took place in al Qaeda where the Islamocommunist Zawahiri of Egypt,
aka al Qaeda's #2 man, who just happened to be captured by the Russian
FSB and turned into an operative of their's against the west, has
usurped bin Laden the Islamofascist in operational control of the terror
operations of al Qaeda.

I have written extensively on the different psychology of both of these
creatures. bin Laden is a mystic poet of religious fervor while Zawahiri
is an intellectual thug of fury. To understand the character of these
two in simple terms, bin Laden in playing the piano would touch the
keyboard as an artist while Zawahiri would approach the piano with a
hammer in each hand banging out a tune.
Both produce music or terror, but you can equate a feline or feminine
quality in bin Laden in when he does appear, he means death, but
Zawahiri is bovine like an maddened bull ripping up all who come into
his pen.
None of this has to do with Muslims, except the fact that a group of
communists headed now by Zawahiri from Hamas to Hezbollah are murdering
every Muslim they see to overthrow governments in the Middle East.

In knowing Zawahiri, it caught my attention when he responded to the
Queen of England awarded Salman Rushdie a knighthood which with already
rabid terrorists now the Queen has kicked them in the testicles.
All of which is quite stupid. Rushdie is basically an intellectual
reformist of Islam moulded in the Indian mysticism of art. His work is
like Ballywood meets Professor Higgins with a Muslim tapestry.
His biggest blunder into fame was in writing the Satanic Verses which
basically exposed that Muhammed was getting dictation from the devil.
Yes Muhammed said the devil tempted him into making deities out of three
demonic goddesses of Mecca, but when you find out it was the same
Archangel Gabriel who dictated all of the Koran to Muhammed.......well
it explains why Khomeini issued a death warrant on this British subject
as his writing proves the Koran was all dictated by the devil.
No, Rushdie does not figure that out nor state it, but one narrator and
since Angels are incapable of lying, tempting or sin.....well Muhammed's
"archangel" was not Gabriel, but satan himself.

For some odd reason the Queen waded into this religious war and Zawahiri
just sitting on a summer campaign nursing the furor of Egyptian torture,
American bombs killing his family due to him being a terrorist has
issued a decree which stated simply:

"A very precise response" was being planned.

That should please Americans immensely as Rushdie has just taken up a
residence at Emory University in Georgia. You know the same Jimmy Carter
lecture college which is akin to Soviet University with terrorists for
It is just wonderful that the Queen stirred this pot and Salman Rushdie
is target number one residing in America, surrounded by Americans, who
tend to die in terror attacks.

I take Zawahiri quite literal in his response. It was not a long sermon
rant. It was from a wounded malevolent murderous animal and he will have
a catastrophic response initiated.
Personally, if like at Virginia Tech, students and parents choose to sit
at a place which brags it hates guns and is a zone free of them......and
these students do not have enough sense to even run or show a Flight 93
response against a terrorist, Emory making itself a target and it's
student targets is their liberal problem and responsibility.

The problem is though it will not end there, because whining liberals
just like in 9 11 will demand the President "do something" again, which
they will cheer and which will get soldiers dead as liberals abandon the
policy they demanded.

I have waited though until the closing to reveal what I believe will be
the real problem in this as from Zawahiri's tone I do not believe
Rushdie is the primary target. The target the Islamocommunists are going
after this time are the British Royal Family.
The Queen did this and the fascination which al Qaeda had for Diana's
sons is going to be the catalyst for an attack on the royal household.

For those who remember history, the IRA or Irish Republican Army in the
1979 decided it was a bright idea to assassinate Uncle Dickie or Lord
Mountbatten, who was Prince Charles favorite uncle.
The backlash it ignited in steeling the English and bringing the entire
MI 5 and MI 6 intelligence against the IRA was monumental. If the
Islamocommunists this time pull off a kidnapping or murder spree against
the monarchy, it is not going to be a conventional war.........the
British will vaporize most certainly the Pushtan of Pakistan,
Afghanistan and much of Iran.

That is why this threat from Zawahiri is something to take note of. The
Russian communists and European cartel globalists are not just by proxy
this time letting loose comrade Zawahiri or proxy bin Laden to murder a
few thousand Yanks. This time the people who have their fingers on
nuclear bombs and the governments they lead are the targets. This is
personal. This is grave. This is what this threat means.

Zawahiri and the comrades so far have gambled a stalemate hand until
now, but if what is coming takes place he is going to be absorbing
radiation and dying no matter how secure the house is he is hiding in.
Hot zones are hot zones for years and that is why all of this matters as
it will unleash real war on the world by major powers for the first time
since World War II.

God save the Queen, but also God save the Queen from herself. It used to
be swashbucklers like Francis Drake and Bernard Montgomery were knighted
and it was a title of manhood in service to the entire British
people........but now it is a sodomite singer like Elton John whose
rants sound like he is insane and a Muslim writer in Rushdie both of
whom have done nothing in the league of Drake or Montgomery.
Shakespeare was not knighted by the British, so maybe these lesser
creatures of art should not be either as it really is not worth putting
your family in danger and forcing a rather Gordon Brown liberal
government into the position of having to nuke terrorists.

It doesn't sound too intelligent and it certainly is not.

This threat though is worth taking note of.
