Saturday, July 21, 2007

Paul Abrams Stupidity is Calling with John Kerry's Name on It

I was reading on the liberal, malevolent and unintelligent Huffington
Post a very strange plea from a Paul Abrams in his blog begging Charlie
Rose, Charles Rangel and other democrats to promote what he has been
advocating to expose the Bush and war backers in their children not
serving in Iraq.

Apparently the rather robust Rangel was too much a gentleman to explain
to Paul Abrams and John Kerry what asinine things they are advocating as
is why the DNC will not touch this issue.

The essence of what Abrams and Kerry just advocated is the slaughter of
the female Bush twins by forcing them to serve.

Who do you think will get the blame and who do you know will get the
sympathy. Democrats will be crucified as barbaric butchers of women
which is fitting and the Bush family burying dead girls will have
sympathy forever which they would deserve.

That is why Charlie Rangel and Democrats in power with deductive
political reasoning will not touch this as it is a loosing issue times a

Think of the calls then for Chelsea to serve and all these MSM Democrats
will have to offer up their children too. This is a disaster and John
Kerry found a way to mess up again and this Abrams is being ignored for
this exact reason.
What is most puzzling is how Ariana Huffington even allowed this on the
Post for all the damage it will do.

This is how out of control Democrats are in wanting people dead thinking
it will solve all their political woes in a Cindy Sheehan syndrome reversed.

To a logical mind none of it makes any sense, but to Paul Abrams it
does. Apparently Jessica Lynch did not do enough in propaganda
destruction on Democrats and Kerry wants more....or just like these
kooks will come up with about everything, "Maybe Abrams and Kerry are
operatives of Karl Rove".

Paul Abrams answered the stupidity phone and it is connected to John
Kerry's lack of brains.