Friday, July 13, 2007

The Problem of Liberal Women is their Talking

Natalie Morales on Today was spewing another attack on President Bush in acting in shock how presidential the President was in challenging Congress in informing the President runs the military and Congress has no place in managing it.

That is the problem with liberals in never understanding rules or the Constitution which is a set of rules limiting government. It gets these liberal women always in loads of trouble as they are opening their mouths and sometimes people actually listen to them.

I maintain that the biggest problem liberals have is they hire women, who talk and make them look frumpier so people are listening to them and end up hating them.

Hillary Clinton is a perfect example of late as when she opens her mouth and her dudded down look, people hate her.....but when she shuts up her ratings rise.

Of present, Perky Couric is looking like some matron crossed with Lizzy Borden and people are being forced to listen to what she said and no one likes the liberal biased lies.

Now behold Natty Morales, like a al Jazeera pin up queen, most of what she says in a report no males are listening to as they are seeing a babe and just like all guys they hear bits and pieces and then think, "Oh crap I don't like this woman, but I like looking at her and there is no harm in looking."

Same way with the NFL sideline "reporters". Everyone knows they are not plumpers for reason and every guy watching is thinking this woman doesn't know diddle about football, but the audience tolerates it.

It is only when liberals lie or mask their message behind babes that it gets ratings. That is why the morning show babes all have like Perky has their skirts cut to Tennessee with the emphasis on the SEE. Perky is behind a desk now and lost the only thing she had going for her and her ratings are plummeting as teh audience is now being forced to watch a frumpy, old growly matron.....just like Hillary Clinton. No one likes that just like they didn't like it in school.

CBS should have hired Natty, put her on the desk, short skirts and the ratings would have soared as guys would have watched and not listened and liberal women would have watched because they want to be like the popular girl.

For those who think the above might be sexist.......just tune into the BBC World sometime as of this week viewers got to see Jane with a blouse that looked like beachware and Karin so tighted up it looked like her clothes were painted on.

The liberal BBC figured it out. Pretty up the news and no one pays attention. Americans got this this hag factor going on in women to not make plumper women feel bad and the greying ghost factor in men so every one thinks daddy is talking on television....and the problem is people are listening and not watching which is turning them off.

Rather was wrong in CBS being tarted up. Katie was tarted down and matroned up and nobody wants to watch that nor listen to it.

See it works, I didn't bother to explain to Natty that Reagan had a hell of time with democrats fighting them over Pershing, Libya and Central America, Bush 41 had the same problems with democrats on Panama, central Europe and Iraq. Natty would know that if she invested more time in reading history than looking pretty, crossing her legs perfectly as the exec "interviews" her and promising with a smile more will come if she is hired.

Once again, not me, but an actual story from Joan Lundin at GMA on ABC where the execs were talking about the "girl with the nice legs in the interview".

That is how Natty, Perky, Di and the rest including Mrs. Moonves got their jobs and climb the ladder. The dirty big world of liberal media.

Liberals do better at selling the news when they sell sex instead of news.