Friday, August 3, 2007

Democrats are right...let's start a nuclear war at the Gay Bar

Today it finally dawned on me what Democrats really want in saving the world from GlobAlgore Warming and that is to start a nuclear war.

Now bare or bear with me as the party of peace is really clever about this in starting this all as 60's love children and championed by Bill and Hillary Lovefest Clinton. Right now Muslim Obama is in the race in a fight with Hillary Clinton over first use of nuclear weapons.
Hillary is all for it and Obama playing in the race in his race Osama Obama as Teddy Kennedy and Dick Turban keep calling him is saying you should never blow up terrorists.

Democrats are setting the stage preparing the world for their first use of nukes......but it is not just Muslims they will be blowing up Global Warming the real threat to the world according to Al Gore and all Democrats.

You have to remember the 60's and those hot bod hippies all worried about nuclear war. They came up with nuclear winter to scare the bajesus out of kids who are now being terrified as soccer moms and balless daddies of Global Warming.
Kids in the 70's were told the worst of all situations was a nuclear war where not in death would people have it worse, but in surviving the world would all go into nuclear winter and kids would freeze to death surfing on Malibu beach.

In that the wisdom of a surfer grunge band Electric Six is playing Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and all Democrats theme song for 2008. Just listen to the hard guitar lyrics.

You, I want to take you to a gay bar.
I want take you to gay bar.
Gay bar gay bar gay bar
Let's start a war
Let's start a nuclear war
At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.

It just all adds up that Electric Six is a Democratic oracle band with all the answers Hillary is telling us.

If Al Gore is telling the world it will be destroyed by GlobAL Warming, then certainly a doped in, sexed up and Dr. Strangenuke Democrat will start a nuclear war to cool the planet off saving the world.

Hillary the smartest woman to ever dance with Bill Clinton will save the world by nuking it as the anti Fred candidate. Al Gore as first prophet has delivered the message of doom and Obama leading the body of Democrats will bring voters to worship at the feet of the beast, Dr. Strangenuke.....the co president reborn in the half Hillary half Bill, Billary having the answers to GlobAl Warming and national security.

Nuke the world to cool it off. Democrats always have the answers and have been telling us all along if we the uninformed would have just listened.......

unless of course they were lying about Nuclear Winter like they are about Global Warming.