Saturday, August 18, 2007

Franklin Economics

Benjamin Franklin in his perfect unfinished memoir explains in layman's
terms the basis for prosperous economics. It requires 3 supports.

First it requires individual ownership of free enterprise of people who
create raw wealth. This is farmers and ranchers growing crops and
livestock, loggers harvesting renewable trees, miners extracting wealth,
fisheries and now added technology and information.

When one couples that with manufacturing and the mercantile (businesses
selling people products), you have the Republic the founders created
based on Adam Smith's economic formula.

Americans when allowed to prosper in their own free lust for wealth are
the best at it in the world. I have long maintained and urged a GOP
leader like Fred Thompson to simply state, "My economic policy for
America is to provide the environment where every American can through
their work will become a millionaire".

All without fake inflation in prices rising, but all in Franklin's
reward of wealth created through work. In this way when Americans have a
huge majority who are wealthy, they can all afford health, schooling and
the lusts of life without government over taxation and welfare.

Let Americans produce as Franklin advocated and the problems solve

Franklin explained that money supply in cycles can be increased to
create more wealth, but you can not do what the Rothschild and
Rockefeller cartels do in printing American money for inflation and
fractal lending to Americans who own the money already. Americans must
take the ownership of their money back, create a sound treasury dollar
for American trade and that will solve inflation and the povertization
of Americans. The cartels will benefit as they will have more genuine
wealth like America used to have in industrial and agrarian output than
this idiotic paper inflation which only raises prices.

PBS did a series a dozen years ago which showed Greenland had more oil
than the Middle East. That is American oil and it is time America drills
it and Alaska to drop world oil prices and bring to an end this
globalist communist system now socializing the world into ruin, so they
can seize power.

I was ignored by Mitt Romney in a plan in bringing American industry
home with a Kennedy space type plan, which instead would have American
industry who invested in mining the vast stores of ocean mineral wealth
would not be charged income tax as long as the money was invested in
America or it's banks. Workers at these jobs would not pay income tax
either. The end result would be a boom so huge to the American economy
that we would be a nation flooded in wealth.

Think of it instead of this mongrel USA/Mexico/Canada that the
Rockefellers are trying to create was instead the Americanization of
Mexico in our creating enterprise zones on the Mexican border run by
America for their workers coupled with Canadian raw resources and
American immigration into Canada........North America would have 3
prosperous nations trading and a huge suckling piglet brood of Asia
buying our ocean generated wealth and technology.

Seriously with Franklin economics Americans would for the most part all
be millionaires and America would be talking of multi trillion dollar
surpluses. This would provide security and the economic stick to keep
enemy states at bay as the US would be so huge it would crush any nation
economically in a moment. That certainly is a better way to deal with
foreign policy than blowing up nations.

In conclusion, I want to stress though in all this wealth the greatest
feature of the founders in Franklin and Jefferson. Jefferson understood
that people tied to the land are moral people who govern themselves.
Franklin also understood that God was the great self governing factor in
citizens. All the money in the world will not solve problems as our
whorish children online are proving. People must have a moral base and
Judeo Christian principles were what the founders laid as the American
foundation in a system of laws.

Have the citizen govern themselves in looking with hope to God and a
spiritual caring for each other and this governance will then be
unleashed onto the drive of competition and production which by God's
grace Americans excel at.

Remove the regulations. Make corporations reinvest in their self
interest in America and unleash the production of harvesting ocean
wealth for world markets and the entire Franklin economics boom will
blossom again.

As a futurist, this step will fund the technology to the next "manifest
destiny" to capture American dreams in space. The moon is a treasure of
wealth to exploit and Mars awaits to be teraformed from the icy moons of

This is all timeless and will give people that hope which is missing now
in Americans need to be productive and not sitting around. We as a
people must initiate and fight for this.

I would very much like Mr. Sheppard as an economist to feature this
discussion and drive it so that Rush Limbaugh, Laura, Hannity would take
up the discussion in educating Americans who will then like Ronald
Reagan understand Milton Friedman's wonderful economic plans and give us
the completion which Ronald Reagan attempted.

This IS what Fred Thompson should be elected upon and every Republican
running for Congress. People can understand a president who wants to
give them the opportunity to all be millionaires and solving their own
problems. This is tried, proven and prosperous.

I hope Newsbusters will debate this and drive this debate for our
American security and future. Thank you.