Saturday, August 18, 2007

Kill Them Pups

Since Selena Roberts of the New York Times has weighed in with their
liberal propaganda turning the Michael Vick fiasco into a gangsta
betrayal, it is time in discussion to examine a few TRUTHS no one wants
to face.

Does anyone know how the dog breeds we have today came about? They came
about as cattle, guard and hunting breeds. For example the Chesapeake
Bay Retreivers were meant to fetch ducks in the ocean all day in ice
cold water and then lay all night by the duck boat guarding the market
hunter's property by killing anyone who tried or die trying. Any dog who
did not make the grade was either drown as weak or shot.

This was the practice 200 years ago in all breeds. Pups of not the right
color or effectiveness were grabbed by the feet and had their heads
whacked against a board.....and want to know something else? Breeders in
America and around the world do the same thing Michael Vick was doing in
killing dogs for better quality today.

What do you think the Humane Society does with all those dogs and cats?
They kill them and often they end up in tankage at rendering plants as
fertilizer or pet food filler.

People do not seem to understand that Pit Bulls were bred for dog
fighting. They love doing this as much as a terrier who was bred to kill
rats loves chewing a rat to death. If you missed an ABC report about a
decade ago about Pit Bulls, you would have seen two dogs locked on each
other just howling in delight. They love it as much as Tiger Woods does
swinging a golf club.

The question which liberals will not ask is why is it ok for Junior
Reagan to host the dog show in New York when the breeders behind it are
part of a culling process where puppies are killed just like Michael
Vick did. Why is it immoral for him when breeders are doing it?

As dog fighting is illegal in America, that indeed is a crime and I am
glad I do not understand what appeals to people doing it, but in that
even one needs to examine if Pit Bulls who love killing each other are
better off than a cowering whining poodle having a needle stuck into it
or being gassed by your kind hearted Bob Barker Humane Society type.

In that a Pit Bull had an ending it was born for and the poodle got the
worst of the poodles were bred long ago with their oil coats
to retrieve ducks in the cold Atlantic waters.

There are enough people passing judgment in this that that does not need
comment except to expand that I would like to see dozens of these rich
possee jocks prosecuted for their rapes to murders.

It just behooves this American nation to debate what is humane. Old
practices which gave us and continue to give us race horses, hunting
dogs, cats, parrots and even chickens to eat all culled culls to help
develop a better breed. That is the fact and everyone here benefitted by
it and from it. To look down on Michael Vick is being dishonest of what
is being condoned all across the globe.

Vick is no more guilty of cruelty in killing dogs than the Humane
Society is a million more times over. Vick is guilty of dog fighting
with a breed of dogs who love and lives for killing each other.

Those are the facts which need to be debated, discussed and looked at
responsibly. You will notice the dog breeders are very quiet about this
as is the Humane Society. Sure PETA likes to scream to raise funds, but
PETA is a group who wants no pets.....and yet has not figured out yet
that if people did not have pets none of these breeds would exist.

Liberals come up with allot of dipstick ideas as do Times propagandists,
but for the sake of animals and not the two legged critter Michael Vick
who thinks he is his own law there needs to be decided what is best for
these dogs as they are bred in instinct what is now considered illegal.

Otherwise there are allot of dead puppies and kitties suffering the same
fate and Michael Vick is not responsible for all of that.