Monday, August 27, 2007

The Shame of the Sham of Liberalism

One has to understand the psychopathy, and it is a moral dilemma or
sickness liberals exist under to know why they call themselves moderate
instead of what they are.

Liberals are children who are sloven in soul early on. By this one means
in looking at Conservatives in their lives. They were like all children
made fun of, probably got bullied and failed. They though worked harder
and by God's Grace overcame.

A liberal child though instead of overcoming, simply quits. They look
around for an excuse for their failure and blame them. They then in self
pity go off on sex, drugs, eating etc... for comfort and look for other
failures to join their pity party.

THAT is key in understanding the difference in sites like Newsbusters
compared to Huffington Post or Kos. Liberal sites gather members for
"protection" in their combined rants. Conservative sites instead
celebrate and look for the individual daring enough to do battle on the
field of thought bringing new ideas to become better and stronger.

Liberals surround themselves their entire lives with key elements of ilk
how are failures. They then in knowing how weak they are try and empower
themselves in government "so they all can be President too". They love
welfare as it punishes successful people by stealing their money and
giving it to the sloven, who Liberals need to appease for power AND THE
GREATER APPEASEMENT OF GUILT. Liberals being wealthy as a number are do
not have God, run from His morality by medicating their souls with
debauchery, so they feel great guilt in their money and by "donating
time" or stealing other people's money they soothe themselves into
thinking they too are good.

This is why there is such a mania about tax cuts for the "rich". They
are the rich and when government gives them tax cuts they are deprived
of their secular penance.

In all of this Liberals deep down hate who they are deeply. They know
they are failures, frauds and they do not want to be themselves. People
though have a failsafe in not being able to "hate themselves", so in
turn you get Bob Barker who is miserable cutting parts off of animals
"for their good" and Obama "knowing what is good for all blacks" and the
mania of the hatred for "people not like them" in George Bush and Karl
Rove. Each generation has it's hated ones.......before it was Reagan and
after Bush they will find a new person to vent on or else they would all
commit suicide.

If you examine the above closely you will see that Liberals sound allot
like terrorists and they do, because terrorists are all Liberals at
heart too in venting hurt, frustration and failure onto others.

This is why a Liberal desperately wants to be a moderate, because they
in their sleepless nights know the sham they are. They know their
"government legal sin" is wrong and destroying them and others. They
know they failure they are and they know how cowardly they are in
fearing failure. So in that is their Catch 22, a Liberal can not admit
what they are for they are deep down terrified of themselves.....hence
the phobia's you often hear aimed at Conservatives.........all Liberals
are doing is speaking in Freudian slips of the phobia they have to

By calling themselves moderates, they then can brand Conservatives
"extremists" which makes God extreme, morality extreme, patriotism
extreme and the thing they loathe in America extreme, so Liberals are
the only absolute and they can all lay down at night with their little

Now I lay me down to sleep, moderate in the things I keep. If I should
die before I wake, I will go to heaven for my own goodness sake. In
moderations name I pray. Aperson.

Conservatives must start pinning these lunatics down as they are
anarchists and getting worse. They will not commit suicide, but they are
intent upon weakening America so much that terrorism with Russia, China
and the central European factions will be allowed to "kill" America and
them as the punishment for being failures.

All of this must be exposed, discussed and these failures must be
defeated so they can receive some Christian counseling for their good
and the good of America.
