Friday, August 24, 2007

It is going to take a Punch

It is more than just being an observer of history, more than someone who
has lived history to judge concepts of time and more than knowing
history in it's focal is the base reality of knowing
human interaction in knowing it is going to take a punch which will
shake the planet to get people to realize in part what kind of world is
now grown.

The world is now a world of anarchists. It does not matter if it is
Huffington Post, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Keith Olberman or the New York
Times to al Qaeda, Putin, China, Rockefellers to Rothschilds.....all of
the above have one cause and that is to pull down and destroy.
Not one reasonable solution for the betterment of mankind is expressed.
Not one reasonable answer is expressed to solve problems. Destruction in
one form or another from this Molotov Mob is the answer for increased
advertisement in user flow to literal domination of regions of the planet.

My favorite movie is one called Big Jake. It is my favorite because it
is a John Wayne movie in if you listen closely you will hear the 3
lessons Wayne's dad taught him to survive in this world. I often quote
the lines of that movie to make points and in this it is fitting to
quote it again.
In the movie Wayne's grandson is kidnapped for 1 million dollars by
terrorists and Wayne instead delivers cut up catalogues and tells the
kidnapper, " That is the stuff dreams are made of".
Our world is now filled with people living in dreams of power and never
facing the reality that not everyone can be a star nor a dictator and
there will come a time when a violent sorting out will come about.

In the movie Wayne turns the words back on the kidnapper who told him
before, "Now you understand this. Your fault. My fault, Nobody's fault.
You're going die. Doesn't matter whose fault because you are going to die".

The world has been lied to in what happened to Saddam's weapons of mass
destruction as much as everyone seems to have forgotten a host of Soviet
nuclear device are still floating about. Do not believe the 24 nonsense
that it takes codes and special circuits to revamp these suitcase nukes
and nuclear SS warheads as anyone who knows what they are doing can make
these active in several minutes with no more........I will not divulge
that but it can be done with what you have before you.

The German, Bismark once in a spiteful outburst exposing the Rothschild
cartel starting wars around the world said, "It is always easy to find a
nut to do something".
The world has reached this point now of anarchists. There is absolutely
no sense in most people. They say things, poke at powerful people,
powerful nations and they think that no retribution will come of
it.....somehow all the dead of the Clinton years being murdered had no
effect at all on these people.
The world has reached the same friction as before World War I when lone
nuts started a world war. I in now way am stating that a world war will
be sparked in the next phase of lone nuts, but I will state that someone
with all of these WMD's floating around is going to use them as leverage
is just too tight now that someone will use a proxy to hit someone else.

It is certain that Iran knows very well as most Muslim states that any
WMD's showing up will start a nuclear exchange with the Israeli state or
America. They will not start this nonsense, but it will be these proxies
hitting a nation, the nation hitting back harder, the proxies hitting
harder with WMD's and then the certain vaporization will occur.
If it is the Israeli state in it's horrid planned dysfunction of the the
IDF forces, then it will be Damascus vaporized. If it is America, then
with certainty it will be the Pushtan region and if Cheney is still in
office, there will be key nuking of Iranian sites.

It doesn't matter whose fault it is as there are regions of people who
are going to die when this happens and it will take that punch to wake
anarchists up that their actions get them dead.

The problem in this is the anarchist fires of Rense, al Qaeda to Arianna
Huffington are going to make the big powers like China, Russia, central
Europe, western Europe and America understand that leverage terrorism in
kidnapping national power can spell the end of their nations. It is then
they will arm with more lethal weapons, efficient weapons and effective
mass death weapons.
After this regional phase, there will amount to jockeying for position
and possession of regional states where second world states like Egypt,
Libya, Venezuela and Cuba start overtly moving against the larger
powers. This will be the catalyst for the super war which will foment as
World War II started in the first scale land swallowing of then Italy,
Germany and Japan.

Then everything will be unleashed.

This is all only beginning now and someone is going to punch western
Europe, America or the Israeli state and then nuclear punches will
follow to teach anarchists no means no.

I thought it excessive when Sam Cohen, the father or the neutron bomb in
2001 advocating the use of his weapons in the Pushtan and Afghanistan.
He has proven correct and Saddam would have fled without a shot and Iraq
would now be whatever kind of bloodbath without American resources.
This would have ended in October 2001, but now with it being delayed it
will only be larger and instead of involving remote regions will now
involve nations.

The world has no seen scorched earth obliteration of entire nations
since the Roman times. This is the way warfare used to be waged. It is
coming back and this time with powders and potions and light shows that
a great number of places are only going to be the haunts of owls.

The day will arrive that each of us like on 9 11 are going to wake up if
our city is not hit and turn on the news wondering what that smoking
footage is of.......and then we will be in wonder again at the punch has
happened and demand another punch in being nuclear to respond.
Americans have stopped George Bush policy in building Muslim nations,
diplomacy and war......all that is left is nuclear response.

It is going to take a punch and a punch is coming no one has thought it
all the way through........well no one except what God has been pointing
out to me to warn people on.
