Saturday, October 20, 2007

Is a Recession Coming

The above question was posted on Newsbusters and is a bit odd in asking
if a recession is coming as the United States has been in a recession
since 1999 when Clinton's retroactive tax destroyed the Reagan Economic

The world was at that time in a horrid recession and 9 11 actually was
about to plunge the world and America into a depression greater than the
29 bust. It was only President Bush dumping Clinton's tax confiscation
dollars back into the economy and allowing the Rockefeller fed to pour
trillions into the world economy which headed this monetary attack upon
America off.
Yes, bin Laden according to this Russian FSB controls directing
Zawahiri fully intended to plunge America over the abyss on 9 11.

George Bush deserves full credit for stalling this economic depression
and saving the world for 7 years, but the world has been in economic
recession the entire period. China in expansion dumped dollars into
inflationary buying in 3rd world states knowing that crude oil would
round out at 100 dollars a barrel which it is now doing.
The problem is in printing uber dollars is money becomes cheap and
inflation devalues the dollar which is occurring now. The dollar has
lost 1/3rd of it's buying power and until all those dollars get taken
out of circulation (A Stock Market bust soaks up huge amounts of paper
money and forces scared investors back into banks which are hurting from
the real estate the banks get the money to stay solvent,
but inflation makes everything more expensive but at the same time
cheapens everything.
People who spent 100,000 dollars on a home are now through the bust
looking at an 80,000 dollar home and factoring in the devaluation of the
dollar the price of that home in real money is about 56,000 dollars.)

So America and the world are in recession. The problem in this is
nations can dump the dollar as currency of trade for the Euro, but the
Europeans do not have enough consumer buying power nor enough Euro's to
soak up billions of dollars.
What would happen to Europe is the Euro would become so cheap that
Europe's economy would plunge into hyper inflation. For historians that
is 1929 Germany........and as a hint of what is coming most people know
a world war followed when American currency lost value and European
currency followed suit. The same stage is being initiated now.)

This is why I have tried to get this site to champion an economic plan
Fred Thompson could show the nation built upon simple Franklin Economics
of production for producing wealth is the only way one really gains real
America could simply take off taxes on all offshore drilling and mining
of critical elements, including income taxes for citizens working for
those companies. The companies would be required to pour the money back
into America and citizens always buy products. The end result would be
raw resource eaters China and India would buy American mining and oil
creating a balance of trade.
The influx of billions of dollars in trade and wages would create a
strong dollar, a strong economy and the entire world would stabilize as
America would become a lender nation again. There are other parts to
this in "national projects" like investing in a new high speed rail
which would employ numbers of people and having the airline and Detroit
auto invest and build the parts to cause a complete filtering economic
boom so all citizens would prosper who worked, along with American
corporations setting up employment and education zones in the Mexican
border states to Americanize the Mexican work force and pay wages ending
the border busters.

All of this is entirely fixable and in 3 years citizens would not
believe how 1950's spectacular things would be again for Americans in
cheap products, plentiful money and a great hike in the standard of living.

The alternative which America is facing is what President Bush has
initiated in the doomsday failsafe. America is now using food as an
economic weapon against the literal enemies of Islam, Russia, China and
the central Europeans who are using economic warfare to end American
influence to be replaced by the Eurasian league.
All of this is going to breed a world war. The 2 key areas which will
ignite it will be the Judean land issue and that traditional hot spot of
the Balkans.

While America has been sitting here being led by global warming farce,
the Russians have rearmed, built huge nuclear safe cities into mountains
and are becoming the oil blackmailers of Eurasia to use Chinese military
power as fodder against America.
People have not equated that America can not produce enough bullets to
kill a 200 million man army the Chicoms will send as if they do not send
them the hungry peasants will revolt there. So the only option will be
nuclear warfare.

I have yet to see any plan put forth but the synopsis written above.
Instead there is silence or feeble questions of "is a recession coming".
Perhaps by God's grace here am I like Milton Friedman a man who sees
things before the time, but I warn here and in knowing enough self
bloated intellectual big shots read this site that somehow this will
start filtering through.
America is in desperate need as much as our base allies of England,
Japan and Australasia for leadership who understands beyond the
President Bush hunker down and hope his withdrawing from the Middle East
will have America loose it's forward bases, but be able to withstand a
Chinese invasion into Alaska and Canada as the entire Eurasian continent
plunges into war.

It is beyond vital that America initiate these economic measures to be a
supplier no one will bomb and and economic titan no one will dare take
on. In this, America than can have our aircraft carries of Japan and
England as safe ports for trade for Europe and Asia where they too will
be powerful allies no one will dare touch.

The Eurasians have always been bad characters who can not play well with
each other. There is a war coming no matter what now, but America must
position herself so we do not get hammered and go through a dirty 30's
Iraq should have had high oil production and American forward power
fighting this war in the Asian steppes where warfare would be supreme.
Now liberals and dolts have set this scenario up where the war will be
fought in 3 theaters:

1. The valleys around Jerusalem.

2. Central Europe from the Balkans into the Rhineland of Germany.

3. Alaska and Canada.

Most of those areas are high population areas and it will devastate the
world. The question Newsbusters is not recession, but how to position
America to not be harmed in world depression feeding into a fast
Eurasian world war.
I have stuck my neck out time and again in the stance of Benjamin
Franklin in putting forward plans to solve these problems in debating
them so others can build upon them with their God given wisdom.

Start debating and formulating a better policy as wondering about
recession is like wondering if Ronald Reagan is dead.......yeah he is
dead so stop asking the question and be like him in thinking out of the
box and seeing what America needs a lustrum from now.