Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Synopsis On "Jews"

What is most bothersome about all of this is the continued misuse of the
terms Jews and Israel as Jews are a mixed bag of beliefs and
nationalities and the Judeans were only one of 13 tribes in Israel the
nation which was named after Jacob (Israel) when God changed his name to
"one who contends with God which is what Isra El means.)

The greater portion of "Jews" are Ashkenaz as a race of people from
central Asia. Many use different spellings, but this is who most Jews
are at 70% now.

I would suggest people read a simple quote from General Sherman in his
memoirs in stating that Jews were always legislated against, because
their cartels were so successful at cornering markets. Sherman states
that the reason Jews went into the rag business is because they were
banned from clothing........and these Jews true to form dominated the
rag and I believe it was used feathers (pillow) trades in America.

The Ashkenaz Jews are very industrious, especially in America in
dominating fields. They strive through groups, families and education to
be monopolies. That is why you hear the terms they control Hollywood as
they literally do. That is not anti semite, but a fact of a very adept
people no different than Basques being wonderful herds people in America
which helped build our ranching industry as much as Chinese labor built
our railroads in mass.

What the liberal fails at is the work camps of the Nazi were based upon
Darwin and not Christian beliefs. The reason Hitler chose "Jews" was
that the European heirachy of Ashkenaz was primarily communist and had
declared an open war on Germany to destroy it.
This group led by the Rothschilds were goading Stalin by the ruling
communist Jews there into attacking Germany........Hitler got wind of
the plan and attacked the Soviet Union first. World Tribune carried
several articles on this from a Russian defector who writes of that site.

So as D. James Kennedy pointed out as others have that Darwin is what
fueled the Nazi religion along with the old Shabbatai Zvi sect (Kennedy
did not provide that link) to attack the communist Jews and a greater
portion in the cities of the last of the Judeans, Levites and Benjamites.

This same warfare is going on in Judea today under Olmert in his push to
push out Judeans and American Jews from the Middle East leaving only his
minority elite of the Ashkenaz majority to rule in a literal communist
state in what is termed Israel.

I would not doubt for a moment that when this Ashkenaz elite saw the
Coutler book they immediately seized upon it to "herd Jews in terror"
again just like they always do away from Christians and to start this
mindless rant making this a relgious Christian vs. Jew fight again to
cover up what is really going on.

I have stated before the same types in secular versions are in America
in Hillary Clinton at the same brutal warfare with liberals against
Christian Conservatives........that is what the Conservative American
Jews at Gush Katif felt ripped from their homes and the same beating
occurred a few weeks ago in the West Bank against settler Jews by Jews
who in most cases are Russian immigrant Jews who hate Americans and are
quite communist themselves.

Whether it is Michele Malkin once again getting it wrong on her website
in terming it Islamofascist when it is Islamocommunist to the Jewish
communist to Hillary the communist order all of these groups trace back
to communist religious mix origins and all of them are at war with
Conservatives who believe in thee God.