Saturday, November 10, 2007

Liberal Pain? Feel Conservative Pleasure

I want to point out again just how tortured liberals all are as they
always speak of "feeling your pain" or having to invoke "painful
measures" and lie to people to get what they want.

reason ever for draconian or painful measures to ever fix things in the
American ecomony. People like FDR start wars to stop depressions and
President Bush with no economic plan had to open the printing presses
which the Rockefeller Fed wanted to stop a depression which we are now
all going to pay for in inflation, recession and a move by the
Rockefellers for a North American Union.

Americans as President Reagan and yes President Kennedy showed in basic
Milton Friedman economics.

With 3 measures, I by God's Wisdom building upon Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson and Milton Friedman economics can fix all American
financial problems without any pain, suffering, cut backs or a decline
in a standard of living.

Measure 1: Congress takes all the billions being wasted on the global
warming scam and the aids "research" scam (aids is a virus like a cold
it does not need billions to study what is already studied) which are
flowing into liberal coffers AND TAKE THAT MONEY AND GIVE AS GRANTS TO

America needs this for several food reserve, atomic warfare and
terrorist warfare and storm shelter reasons. The construction boom and
buying boom from these grants will stimulate the economy and actually
INCREASE THE VALUE OF PROPERTY not by inflation but by making it worth more.

This net effect will raise the American standard of living and make a
much better and safer America by boosting the economy and showing
enemies it is useless to attack America as America will survive and come
after them with nuclear bombs.

Measure 2: Tax relief must be expanded to American small business and
international corporations who INVEST PROFITS BACK INTO AMERICA. This
investment will purchase machinery which will employ high end American
jobs and make for an expanding American economy with good jobs.

I advocate a deep sea mining cartel of American, British and Japanese
industry as mining partners selling the ores and minerals to the 3
billion Asian market. This triad cartel will trade, manufacture and
prosper among ourselves and milk the trillions of dollars in foreign
hands back into America. This will create a lender nation in America and
not a debtor nation as America was in 1950.
An America so furnishing raw resources will then be too valuable to
attack by Russia, China or their Isamocommunist allies like Zawahiri and
America will be so powerful in this economically that we can use
financial leverage on rogue states instead of bombs to achieve our
policy ends.

Measure 3: I have posted before in America must Americanize Mexico and
Canada east. By this I mean American foundations which are liberal
groups now must be mandated to invest in the northern Mexican states
creating a Republic zone of teaching and industry for jobs for Mexicans
there which America will profit by in industry and in Mexicans raised
standard of living buying our technology.

Canada with it's resources and fine people need to reflect the praire
provinces which are quite American in attitude and not the eastern
liberals of their provinces ruining Canada. Canadians increasing their
wealth will provide great trading partners on our hemisphere and security.

Into this, America should invest for the economy in a long term
Eisenhower road system into speed rails or bullet trains. Boeing and
Detroit could build the trains, Northwestern, American, Southwestern
etc... could with their airlines run the train system and Fed Ex with
UPS could be part of the trans shipping along with the railroads already
in place. All would profit, all Americans would see better jobs being
created and our commerce would shift from expensive trucking to truckers
hired by rail companies to freight local jobs or work for this
expanding national system of transportation.

None of this entails one bit of pain, misery or loss of jobs for any
Americans. Homeowners instead would see their properties rise in literal
value of $25,000 to offset the fake inflation which has now busted.
American industry and hometown merchants would see a purchasing boom
like after World War II with the grant money.
The investment of money back into America would upgrade the entire
national infrastructure and by doing this America fixes itself.
The Americanization, selling of raw materials and security would mean
America would not be drawn into wars and our allied ports of England and
Japan would be our superpower partners shielding all of us from Eurasian

In this real economic plan which is Conservative no one suffers and as
America prospers so will the entire world follow our lead. It is horrid
listening to incompetent liberals all telling people they need to be
lied to and that draconian measures must be unleashed. Franklin built
Pennsylvania without suffering those people. Jefferson expanded America
without one recession and Reagan built a economic engine which is still
generating even with all the inept taxes placed upon it.

In this end, if liberals would get out of the way, the increased
production of America, increased wealth and increased wages would bring
in 3 times the taxes now being raised if 1/2 the taxes were taken off as
has been proven, by simply allowing Americans to prosper and giving
investment programs which help stimulate the economy.

The GOP needs to get on this now and Fred Thompson must get off the doom
message as this is the United States. Our God given right is propserity
and only those who are not capable only see shortfalls. It is easy to
point out what is wrong. History though has shown all of us how to
accomplish things correctly.
The Baltic states have implemented Milton Friedman's economic plan and
are prospering. It is time someone who understands economics and is
working for America and mandating to the Rockefeller cartel that they
can gain more power by this plan to bring this all to fruition.

It is simple. It is painless and in 3 years time Americans would be
wondering why on earth they were ever worried about health costs, gas
prices and the future as this economy will have empowered them to fix
their own lives.

Granted a moral national outlook based upon Christian values of caring
for others and respecting others must be in place to give our children
the good disciplines to build fulfilling lives, but it is the economy
now as that is what requires being fixed.

