Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Sexican Invasion

God is always good to me in letting me notice certain trends before they
come to light like naming Islamofascists, Islamocommunists as they are a
majority of communists now that Russian Bolsheviks have taken over the
Middle East.

About 10 years ago I noticed a trend on the western Sioux Indian
reservations. Hollywood calls these people Lakota, but they are just a
different dialect of the Indian sign of the "cut throat" for the Dakota
The trend which I was watching was allot of these "Indians" were
starting to have Mexican names. The reason I noticed is they were
becoming infamous in the news murdering and raping people. Instead of
the Jeremiah Running Bull to catch one's attention, it was Jeremiah

It seemed at the time obvious, so I was not paying that much attention
to it. You had border busters hiding in the reservations, breeding Sioux
women and causing havoc more than the white people did in producing a
generation of half breeds for the nation to welfare fund.
What didn't really make sense to me though is I know the Sioux in having
grown up with them and seen their antics. They are very protective of
who is sexing their women, so much so they will castrate males with a
pliers. So it just did not fit they were letting a bunch of border
busters impregnate their women without a cause and effect of dead border
busters washing into the Missouri on the spring run off.

It all came together this morning as I was listening about a very
pregnant, football sized, welfare white woman who was no pregnant with a
Mexican baby.
She of course has another child which is white and the people of the
United States are raising, but the Mexican baby now explains a trend in
America which I will call the Sexican Invasion.

I have to give full credit to the Sioux in figuring this out first as it
is brilliant. The problem for Sioux women is traditionally they are
slave laborers with lazy males who drank allot. The same trends are
going on today with meth being the yahoo of choice to ruin their lives.
What the Sioux figured out is and is now dawning on white women is this:

You get yourself pregnant by the same race in your community and the
dead beat stud service keeps hanging around, causing legal trouble and
usually will not pay the child welfare as he has 5 other bastards in the
community to which the woman always has to be on the look out for a cat
fight in some woman telling her to "stay away from my man".
Well, women then tried blacks, but all you ended up with is a black kid
and in reality the black kid was always a stigma after the notoriety
wore off.

Then these welfare women decided to try the exotics. White women tried
Indians who were a problem, because they took the kids back to the
reservation and if it was an Arab they took them back to Saudi Arabia.
Neither of which was a paying welfare proposition.

The answer to their sloven wishes was the Mexican border buster. He was
the semen package all lazy females could use and dispose of like a pampers.
They were small and as long as you were agreeable it wasn't rape so
these women could handle them physically as long as the knives were put
away. (Mexicans always love knives and sticking them into people when
they get emotional as court records prove.)
Next a border buster was here illegally, so after the stud service was
completed the woman could just say, "Adios Pepe as the federali is at
the door".
Finally, these women soon found out that little tan children looked
either like Sioux babies so the kids didn't get beat up and tan babies
were acceptable in white and black communities too. These welfare checks
were the ultimate color for welfare breeders in being able to get a pass
in their own communities without any stigma attacked as all races have
some kind of coloration in them that doesn't make sense and people just
let pass by. (Black Irish to French Canadian as examples)

The woman then has found the perfect semblance of all her feminist
wiles. She has a sperm donor who will not be around to pick up after.
She has a sperm donor which Uncle Sam will chase around the nation
keeping her from having to wash his dirty undies and she has a sperm
donor which has now given her another welfare check to make life
extremely easy.

This is the Sexican Invasion of the United States and it is building to
be a worse problem than the trend of welfare babies of the last 30 years
where these same generational women were sexing themselves up for a free
room, board and cash ticket throughout life.
The problems for Indians is this is going to destroy their entire
culture which is left. The day will soon approach that perhaps a weary
Congress is going to look around and ask, "Why are all these Indians we
are paying millions to who are making millions off of mafia gambling are
mostly named, Hernandez and Gonzalez.
The problem for the rest of America is not just the latin invasion, but
the latinization of the entire American people. It will no longer be
EurAsian to African in outlook and belief, but Latin in the Spanish
Indian Catholic mix which is what makes up a Mexican. Whether one wants
to fact it or not, the Latin and South American peoples are not enjoined
to the same ethic of rugged individualism which Europeans are and that
American blacks and American Asians have copied.
The Hispanic is a social order learned from native tribes which is both
socialist and a chief or dictator on top. In modern terms, this is
called communism. What is being inbred now into the American culture is
the base root of communism which will be voting the current mob ruled
Democrat socialism into full blown Chavez and Castro communism.

What the KGB in their "liberation fronts" could not ever dream of
happening is now their Russian dream as certain as when in 1945, Russian
troops raped their way across East Germany and created an entire Russo
Germanic people who are now causing huge social problems for West
Germans as these Russian bastards have taken on the ethnic traits as
Ronald Reagan summed up in his letters, "You know how the Russians are",
belligerent, subservant to authoritarian rule and prone to violence.

Somewhere in here someone is going to start screaming racism and it is
racism as it is a matter of race. America was formed by the Scottish and
Irish Christian movements as it was these peoples infused with German
Lutherans who gave America her western character as Teddy Roosevelt
wrote in Winning of the West.
It was not the patrician English nor Dutch of the 13 coastal colonies
who are still the plague of the United States in elitism and terming
others not like them "redlands".

Americans are about to loose their identity and it has nothing to do
with skin color, but with ethnic traits which are prone to communist
Congress has mentioned in passing changing the natural birth status and
it certainly would be a very good subject to debate and change laws that
women who are not married and having children by foreigners do not
automatically gain for them citizen status.
Some in the liberal column will term this inhumane, but this nation of
laws has always mandated standards as people are notoriously prone to
being heathens. (Washington DC for example in the Elizabeth Custer
letters was nothing but a place of whores and johns. It was difficult
for ladies to not be assailed while going to Church in customers
thinking they were prostitutes.)
That problem was cleaned up by a nation of laws and laws must be debated
in Congress to find a solution to a welfare Sexican Invasion of America.

America can not deport millions of children once they are here and
America can not have treaties with Indian's on reservations where they
are no longer Indians, but a Mexican nation.

Something to debate about.
