Thursday, December 20, 2007

This is revulsionatory pukmania propagandafestical

Pardon my Patton French about ABC asking if Hillary Clinton cries when
critics point out she is a hag, but..........

I was just going to write this Hillary "look I'm human" campaign makes
me want to puke literally it is so repulsive, but I thought Don Kings
take on they way he would say it sounds more festive.

This is revulsionatory pukmania propagandafestical!

Big deal if Hillary cries..........big deal if liberals think when the
chic cries she wins, because a chic crying in Iran gets her ass beat
more, a chic crying in Mexico gets her ass raped more and a chic crying
in Russia gets her ass beat, raped and murdered PERIOD.

Crying Bill got 3000 people dead on September 11th and a military which
is now a sex zone of debauchery among the weekend warriors. This femmy
BS of liberalism is beyond putting America into is
putting America into a weakened position where our response is going to
have to be nuclear in a war.

So ABC can pukify this all they want to but the fact is if Hillary cries
the Chicoms will just add a few dozen more Chinamen soldiers to the gang
rape detail of Chelsea Clinton's "re education when they invade as
advisers to South America's commie hordes. That is the real world in how
the real 3rd world and 2nd world states operate. Crying means weakness
to exploit and the first thing our nations enemies or bought for allies
want is a crying bitch in the White House as it gets nice things like
nuclear weapons in Pakistan and Chicoms stealing tons of nuclear


I don't want Huckabee sitting there like Joan of Arc with his electric
fake flame cross looking all sissy and I don't want a blubbering
Hillary. I want what America requires, a MAN whether it is Maggie
Thatcher type manhood or Fred Thompson type who will pull the trigger
and the only time he sheds a tear is when his dog dies, his kids are
hurt or he hits his finger with a hammer and smashes it into
pulp.........because this is the real world and I WANT A PRESIDENT WHO
