Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It is not recession....It is a constricted economy

There is far too much foolish debate going on in Conservatives trying to
defend President Bush and GOP chances against gleeful liberals claiming
recession to enhance the Democratic social globalists chances in the
2008 elections. It is time for economic fact.

America is in a recessive economy and has been in one for 45 years. One
can not have devalued currency based on inflation with Rockefeller and
Rothscchild cartels SELLING AMERICANS THEIR OWN MONEY and not have
continuous recession.

America had a recession due to Bill Clinton destroying the Reagan burst
with Clinton's retroactive taxes. This took place in 1999 and was in
full force by 2000.
Understanding that, the 9 11 attacks brought America past to worldwide
depression. President Bush allowed the Rockefellers to open the money
printing supply in trillions to stop it. That money was put into the
housing market to buoy the economy.

America is now past recession as it is typically spoken of. America is
now enter into a CONSTRICTIVE ECONOMY due to hedge funds stoking
commodity and oil prices as a very much ECONOMIC ATTACK UPON THE UNITED
STATES. Some culprits are Warren Buffet in America, the Chicoms dumping
dollars with Islamocommunists and real communists like Putin in Russia
to Chavez.

Constriction is the word and President Bush using food as an economic
weapon in pricing, Mexico tapping the Gulf oil reserves and Alaska now
opening for drilling with Canadian pipelines coming into the Dakotas all
are meant to buoy the United States.

Things are going to get worse as the hedge will implode as it can not
stand on it's own and all the boobs being suckered into the "invest in
gold" to oil, grains etc... are going to find the situation of them
being sheared.

This is NOT CARTER era shearing of the agriculture sector as they no
longer exist being driven from the land. America though does have
stagflation but WITHOUT CARTER'S 23% banking loan rates which Reagan

Inflation is running rampant due to artificial economic attacks on
America and deliberate monetary rape of citizen's funds. Oil has a $25 a
barrel hedge built in for hurricanes and there were no hurricanes for 2

People foolishly and ignorantly debate recession and do not see that
fail safe has been initiated. The process being worked out here darlings
is to keep America from being sucked into the next Eurasian World War.
(President Bush has initiated that America will withdraw from the Middle
East at the end of 2008. Those pipelines and oil wells being drilled
will come on line 2009 etc.. Those are measures meant to supply America
when there is no supply and the only reason there would not be a supply
is due to nuclear pollution of the oil fields.)

When these things happen no one is going to be debating "recession" as
everyone is going to know how rotten things are. America has entered the
first phase of touching the Carter fleecing, because the policy is hoped
for that 100 dollar oil will break the Chicoms 200 million man army,
also to absorb the Euro that the central European bankers will be held
in check as in wheel barrel fulls of Marks buying a loaf of bread and
Putin will be left with worthless dollars and euros.

All of this is chess on a board designed to implode Eurasia where
revolutions will consume the terror powers before they march out of
their gulags into the west.

That fails, President Bush's policy to fight this out in the Asian
Steppes and Pacific Ocean which is the long term reason for Iraq so the
war against hordes will be fought in no man's lands where American
firepower will cut off the problem will be in place.

As this flows though, it is doubtful the best battle plan will hold this
in the Steppes and Pacific as the Europeans will flex back at Putin and
his allies will disrupt Europe in the Marxist Muslims invading there, so
the war will come to the Balkans into the heart of Europe, an Alaskan
invasion by the Chicoms to pay for Russian oil to pin America from
aiding western Europe and a main thrust into the Holy Land as those
central Europeans can not keep their hands off that area.

Behold the history of the days before World War II, it is repeating. A
depression did occur and our fake money plugging the holes has not
stopped it, but delayed it in the same warfare which was economic.

The worst of this is liberals panting over this thinking stoking they
hysteria will get some Gore, Bloomberg elected for globalist policy and
never equating the United States requires economic policy beyond what
President Bush is doing with resources.

I put it on the line here in asking learned people to discuss it for the
sake of this nation to get the GOP involved in a way to make America
more secure in reversing the inflation funds back to wealth creation and
there is indeed beyond "gold standard" to make the dollar
sound........but right now the cartel which wants a North American Union
is ruining the dollar to make that Amero thing the chosen currency.

The cartels have got to be brought up short and stop thinking their
rites are going to buoy them through this. It will not work and the same
cloned destructive force they are releasing to consume the world will
abide by the same Newtonion laws of opposite and equal reactions. The
economic fire they start makes the war of inferno which consumes all,
elite and serf alike.

America is in constriction. End the debate and start pushing the GOP to
create sound economic policy based upon Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin
and Milton Friedman policies.

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