Tuesday, January 1, 2008

All that glitters is not a wished for House

I was talking to our septic tank service guy as he is a distant relative of mine as half the people in my country usually are some sort of relative or related to some shirt tail relative in one big chattering family.

In any case we were discussing how a million dollars was not worth spit any more as once you buy a house, some land, a few vehicles, a few fun things.........you pretty well don't have a million any more.
That brought up one of those ABC Make Over Houses everyone seems to watch except me. I prefer television like Benjamin Franklin memoirs on PBS or something like House when my world is not typing up things for the internet to post.

So we were talking about the make over and he just started laughing, because a family a few counties over had ABC come in and do that to their home a few years ago. The long of it in the short was that the family had a shack like I had which they could afford.........but after they got her all fixed up they had a high estate tax home which now after 2 years they can not afford to live in as the taxes are eating them up.

That I guess like Oprah giving away cars that people can not afford the taxes on pretty much settles the issue that all that glitters is not a spell cast wished for fancy home.

I wonder if ABC is ever going to do a story about the homeless people they create.

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// \\ God bless the Good