Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bush does Africa while Obama complains about America

It is far too much a pattern of ignorance for all Americans and those of
this world to forget history or to think that the world just happened
the day we were born.

Today I saw a headline on Matt Drudge which had someone championing Bush
as having done more for Africa than any other American President.
Liberals with grudgingly give credit for this, but for me as a

Of course the immediate claim will be it is racist in that even being
stated. I though deal in historical facts. Facts such as most of North
Africa is a proven product of Africans invading Europe, robbing and
kidnapping coastal peoples, raping them back in Africa and starting an
entire new race which are lumped in with "Arabs" now.
There were great numbers of white slaves imported into Africa before the
export of blacks BY BLACKS who hunted down the less socially protected
and organized and sold them first to Arab traders and then to European

That is what most people focus on in "slavery", by what has become an
industry in America for liberal blacks as much as the holocaust has
become an industry for profit for liberal Jews.

Theodore Roosevelt wrote quite well on this in his visit to Africa. He
noted the porters there would not even build a fire, a shelter or
attempt anything but huddling under bushes IF THEY WERE NOT PRODDED AND
President Roosevelt basically made the statement that huge sections of
Africa were peopled by a people whose main station in life was to be
eaten by a crocodile or lion and pooped out.

Americans need to understand that the Zulu, Dinka, Masai or Ugandan
Empire which was highly developed and nurtured by the English WERE NEVER
ENSLAVED peoples as they had sharp spears and governments to keep their
peoples free.
The slave which western slaves came to be from were the peoples these
coordinated blacks rounded up and sold to the western powers of the day.

President Roosevelt noted how very advanced though the American black
had become due to western influence of education, Christianity and our
laws as of 1900 compared to the African still huddled under a bush.
He saw great purpose in colonizing Africa and in several generations
they would be able to join the world as civilized nations.

The problem was the cartel of Rothschilds could not have that as
civilized peoples would protect raw resources and take wealth from
Europe into Africa. So after World War II which was designed to end the
nation super state, all of Africa and Asia was cut loose a generation
too early and a group of teenagers in mentality were left in control.
These teenagers like Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia soon learned from their
Rothschild mentors that they could keep power forever if they simply
became communists.

That is what Mandella the great hope of Oprah and most of Africa did
with a succession of nation raping thugs like Amin of Uganda.

What colonization had nurtured, these thugs have raped and ruined in 50
years time, butchering both African game and African peoples.
What has not been looted out of Africa in raw resources is looted by the
European cartels from the World Bank Funds. That is why Paul Wolfowitz
was booted from the World Bank. He was demanding those funds from
America go to Africans instead of stolen by thugs and deposited into
European banks by the billions.

That is why my purpose is in stating in this toward the Obama, Obamacans
and all liberals and Conservatives alike, what on earth does America
have to be doing for Africa yet when it is a communist created problem
by European elitists so they can rape and plunder those people.

Until the day comes when black Africans American who relish that title
start going back to Africa and setting up schools, hospitals and
governments they will be elected to to lead these people out of their
despot regimes, all of this is money down a pit who has the cartel very
much intent on the genocide of the blacks by aids so the cartel can have
that entire continent as their playground.

I find it quite disgusting that Bill Clinton and now George Bush go to
Africa and act around these people as their "children" to be patted on
the head and be made wards of the state.
Africans were intended by President Lincoln to President Theodore
Roosevelt to be CITIZENS OF FREE REPUBLICS and not some still enslaved
people for photo ops.

It is past time that African Americans and all Americans become educated
on the real African history and to implement a sound policy to have
these people put on the path to world partners in trade.

and the next time someone like Paul Wolfowitz stands up and attempts to
stop the enslavement of Africa have a President, Congress and black
leaders back him instead of cutting him off at the knees.

Thanks for your time.......and Michelle Obama I hope you are listening
as America is not the problem and never has been.