Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Beauty Redeemed

The Beauty Redeemed

To search for beauty is to behold the sunrise of you
The moonlit kiss of your lips upon a twinkling sky
The umber of sunset covering a blanket of dreams
That blessed upon star of eyes questioning why

She is a woman of light this inspiration I see
The parting, the coming, the going mystery
She dazzles by light in her glistening site
The crystal of snow sculpted by God sparkling white

Where in but a poem is the verse of her in her skin
The rainbow of colors of the woman within
The treasure of her is not the beginning or end
The pleasures of her are in the prose which she sends

Beauty is her from the red of her lip rose kissed dew
Beauty is her from Saturn star rings far up above
She needs not to be searched for for she is always there
The lady, the woman, the figure and form.......
The lady, the woman who inspires in thoughts of

Come inspire in the forests, the glade and the glen
As the wind of your breath touches to remember when
Breathe unto life the life which you give
Inspire to the moment in the eternal beauty you live

But now the words set in as the sundown's course
The ever and always is here poetic discourse
She needs not beauty for beauty she redeems
For she is the light of the night in the dream we dream
