Saturday, February 23, 2008

Demons do not exist.............huh?

Last night I was internet cruising and decided to listen for awhile to
Jeff Rense as it had been years. He and co host Brad Steiger bill as the
"world's foremost authority on paranormal" had on a book seller, John
Chambers, who had written something on Victor Hugo's past.

I sat there listening almost stunned as they described the table on
table method of seance meant to communicate "with the dead". For a red
light warning right now, I will relate this like Ouija boards is nothing
but opening a covenant with demons. That is called possession and is
very dangerous.
These 3 money makers though on Rense were spinning their tale of Hugo, a
tale which Hugo himself stated was:

Just one "spirit" (demon) who was impersonating everyone they tried to
The demon never did get on prediction correct for a future event.
and Hugo left the seance structure.

How Hugo got hooked was as most do. His daughter had died. He was
grieving yet and the demon pretended to be her.

I started poking around Rense and noticed how his cast of characters has
changed. Except for Charles R. Smith of Newsmax and Chinese expertise,
the cast has long since departed from people like Al Cuppett who at
least placed a Christian perspective on his "admonitions" which have
also proven to not have come to fruition like all these prophets.

I found 2 EVP researchers named Dave and Sharon Oester whose work is
recording "ghost" voices. On their site though, I soon found out they
were stating there was no such thing as demons. I tried to find out
their claim that the Bible was wrong too, but that link was down on
their site.

The rest of the revolving Rense cast were plague predictors, conspiracy
"authorities", a genetic foods "authority", anarchists and back to UFO
"authorities". Back because UFO's are not UFO's but again those pesky
demons when they are not US government made technology.

Oh and all of the above have books for sale with the inside scoop if you
do not gain their information you will die...........sort of like the
Rockefellers telling everyone to seek their medical slash, burn and
poison methods or they will die before their insurance runs out too.

Discernment and judgment are an important part for every Christian
commanded by Jesus Christ. I will admit that I lost a great deal of
respect for Jeff Rense when he was using the anal raped Jessica Lynch as
a battering ram against George Bush. No gentleman would ever use a woman
in any situation. Jeff Rense did.
The break point was I had pointed out in emails the fallacy of an all
vegetarian diet along with the false things Jeff Rense had on his site
concerning meat production and milk in the United States. He bade his
time and when I pointed out an article Matt Drudge had featured I got
the most snotty reply lecturing me on something I had not stated.

The fact is though Jeff Rense was promoting demonic contact in the
Victor Hugo program as he did not warn any audience member of the
extreme danger there is to opening spiritual windows which do not close,
and, that worse demons always come in after.
If one couples this with Rense's "experts" who have never seen a demon,
so therefore they do not exist, there is enough discernment to see what
Jeff Rense is promoting.

Jeff Rense and people like him always have the warning that they are
only interested in what is best in their fight against the New World

Buy hedge funds gold and precious metals: Rense position. NWO position.

Hate filled rants against Zionists and Christians: Rense position. NWO

Destroy the American livestock industry: Rense position. NWO position.

Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy to breed distrust to anarchy to gain
power and wealth: Rense position. NWO position.

Hate for George W. Bush: Rense position. NWO position.

Demons are not a problem or exist: Rense position. NWO position.

That is quite all puzzling in how Jeff Rense and his mirror image
broadcast types from the Marcos Kos site, Huffington Post site all are
the same message and all only have the answers to save the world.

Red light warning. If someone is telling you about talking to demons and
has "experts" on who say demons do not exist.........they do not have
God's Holy Spirit guiding them as I have yet to ever hear Jesus advocate
having relationships with demons.

No links as no one should be visiting his site nor his "experts" as they
are a danger to the uninformed.

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