Monday, February 25, 2008

Richard Nixon would turn this into a GOP Landslide

What has come about in this 2008 election is a golden opportunity to
cement a Republican landslide and Richard Nixon if he was here could
engineer it as he is a tactical genius in politics.

In his roll, I will fill in in repeating what I have posted here in parts.

First, Hillary is toast and is now in the race to weaken Obama so her
racist white guys can get back the nomination. The white guy is Al Gore
and his buddy Mike Bloomberg.

This action by the cartel exposes the black vote and female vote for
pealing off from the Democrats.

Second, John McCain needs to put a Conservative female on the ticket. I
pick Lynn Cheney as she would quell the Conservative storm, bring in
women voters and bring in a percentage of sodomite vote. That turn as I
have stated would give McCain the base and a 10 percent gap by pulling
5% off of Obama. That means a landslide for him.

Third, with Obama in the Nifong tank like Scooter Libby, he could be
rehabilitated in the general election by hands across the water McCain.
McCain can promise a pardon and a cabinet position and Obama files in
the "black vote". That 10% all of a sudden expands to 20% and that
equates a GOP Congressional landslide.

Fourth, McCain needs to make peace with that dunce Huckabee by offering
him a cabinet post. Huckabee campaigning in the south means a double
digit lead in sweeping those states for the GOP.

Fifth, Al Gore is open to devastating attacks from the GOP along with
Bloomberg on "global warming" scams. Once the GOP points out billions
have been given to rich people while the poor have been is checkmate on Gore.
The entire sturcture of the New York Times which drives these globalists
is now prime for attack. Rupert Murdoch in economic terms can assail the
Times and in media terms can "put out the story".
As I broke here last night exclusively on Newsbusters, the New York
SPYING ON AMERICANS just like Google does. As this is evil when George
Bush does it on terrorists..........what will Americans conclude when
they find out the Times is keeping files on them???????

I sincerely hope McCain's people or someone with some contacts starts
getting these words into the rotating power's hands as this 2008 is ripe
for the splitting of the DNC to splinter it and mash it to a second rate
party status.

PS: And that little Mexican chic who was Hillary's "number one" who was
cast aside is a sledge hammer on the Democrats.......was she Hillary's
lezbo sexer? was she cast aside to let the white boys rule? were
Hispanic voters deemed too stupid to save Hillary or did they cost her
the election?
Nixon would be asking these questions based upon published stories in
the real MSM. That is the how politics is played and if John McCain and
the GOP don't start getting into this game now with a battle
plan...........John McCain is going to be the topic of being
Strangecain, Sugarcain, McCocaine etc......

The cartel is splintering both parties..........aid Nader........put on
a chic GOP Conservative, exploit the fissures and it is a landslide.

My name is not Nixon, but I know this game in inspiration. This is how
you get it done.