Saturday, February 2, 2008

Solar Radiance vs. Ice Refractory Quality

My promotion is "thinking out of the boundaries" and that I humbly
would appreciate a few moments of your review of a factor I have noticed
in my observations that I would hope would to be ushered into the
science community of thought.
The basis for this these observations are the Northern Great Plains of
the United States with correlating factors noticed in other fringe
temperate areas across the globe. The pinpointing of this area is unique
and in observation and formulating a doctrine other science has refused
to deal with.

In this area, there is a traditional thawing of the various types of
snow associated in winter even on the coldest of periods. The Great
Plains rarely has the snow people associate as snow in big flakes, but
our "snow" is either crystals, dust or small pellets driven by gale
force winds.
This season has been like several others in they have not had
traditional thawing in the 25 to 35 degree F. periods and this has
caused me to ponder the reason as history shows it should thaw, but it
has not which means something has changed.

I have promoted an idea for the past few years which the people who are
receiving huge grant funds to study "global warming" refuse to deal with
and that being the sun is the factor for "global warming". Please be
patient as this doctrine is beyond the obvious of that.
What I promote is that the sun produces different degrees of bandwidth
energy much like light being infrared and ultra violet.

My contention is that what my observations in plants shriveling during
the summer months are not from normal Fahrenheit temperatures as they
have not risen that much, but from the sun producing a radiance not
being measured which is absorbed more readily by liquids.
My theory has been proven as I predicted that not super storms would be
a part of thee equation of American weather, but larger storms carrying
more vapor would strike America making it wetter and that is exactly
what has been the recent pattern as more radiant heat in this bandwidth
has created more water vapor for storm systems to work with creating
larger systems of moisture and even systems which push farther south
like in Iraq which just had snow these past weeks.

In this, I believe I was inspired by the answer this morning to the snow
not melting in marginal areas and it has to do what in America what we
typically refer to in some winter storms as "black ice" on our roads.
I observe nature intently which includes our local lakes to my tank
which I water my horses in. I noticed something which I had noticed all
of my life yesterday in it had been almost 20 degrees below zero in a
cold snap of arctic air hitting our region and the horse tank ice was white.
I do not know if you have ever noticed this before in water making ice,
but when on lakes ice forms at 30 degrees F. to a range of 20, the ice
will be clear or produce a refractory appearance of being black or
taking on the color of what it is covering.
Lakes here will always under these conditions appear dark.

When though ice forms at 18 degrees F and to the 20 below range and
lower as I observed, it become white. If you will recall also the Inuit
or Eskimo of Alaska traditionally makes igloos out of this type of ice,
it insulates well and for some reason does not melt at the above
freezing temperature as readily as the common snow more temperate
regions are used to.
This is the factor I believe is at work. The storms now generated are
lifting up moisture to a higher level as there is more vapor available.
This snow being produced at a higher level is more of the arctic freeze
factor in it in being more ice than the traditional crystal. While it
all appears "white" to the naked eye, it is in fact a different color
which the current bandwidth of sun radiance is not melting as readily.
Under more temperate regions of 50 degree F temperature swings the snow
is melting and going unnoticed as more heat readily melts this type of
ice, but under the marginal areas of cooler temperatures the snow is not

I believe this is the reason why Greenland which is showing more snow
depth is being affected by the more vapor in storm systems dropping snow
which is of a quality that is not melting or settling.
It is not "global warming" but a mixture of solar radiance, water vapor
capacity in storms and the increased cold of an upper atmosphere
producing a snow crystal of different attributes.

As I stated this is more complicated than the "global warming" hype as
factors are involved that are not so much man made, but sun generated in
a bandwidth factor increase and a snow being produced in a quick freeze
method which is producing not a translucent ice, but an ice which is
white and will not absorb this radiant heat of the sun as readily.

I believe the above doctrine if tested will prove true and even more so
will change scientific thought not only on how the earth system
operates, but in how other planets in the solar system operate.

Thank you for your time.