Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hamrod Hamlet

Hamrod Hamlet

..........and alas in yonder plain and glen does the noble warrior on
steed doth ride.........to battle yon and battle hither.........never
seeing the trap thus laid.

and there in ashes heaped lies the dragon queen........forlorn and
forbidding of the tempest past.........her children fled like rats from
the tower.........leaving her to weep in monsoon season.

and here the Camelot doth ride his steed.........onward onward in word
and deed...........but in deed doth he now has been caught.....and end
will he come to his naught.

Oh poor little children in the streets do cry...........gone dragon lady
and Othello to the bye and bye..........who will save us who will
care..........who will feel for us and dare.........oh the prose of the
chaos daily lament........who will pay for what we have spent.

Then comes the mob from distant hollow...........a shadow man for them
to follow.........chosen not by vote but by discourse.........a merry
leader to dry tears on the palest of pale..........the pale horse.

Watch and listen........be silent and learn..........the play is written
for the audience doth yearn.
Disnoble deeds upon death's populist steeds...........while they fought
the battle to be won..........the battle was pitched and already done.

agtG 247