Sunday, March 2, 2008

4 Children Murdered In Minnesota: Where is their Justice?

Last week 4 children in Minnesota were murdered by a border buster who
had been caught driving without a license in 2006.

The only reason she was caught this time after running in a school bus
of children with so much force that the small van she was driving TIPPED
IT OVER was she couldn't run away as she was injured.
Of course all American are now paying this Costa Rican's hospital bills
as she doesn't have insurance and she all her money has "disappeared"
that President Bush says these border busters are up here earning.
For the facts, as the news media is not going to find the Truth, she was
on welfare too.

I ask where is the Justice for the dead children of Minnesota and their
families? Shouldn't a child have the safety to be on a bus without some
border buster slamming into a bus and murdering them?

For that reason, unlike KELO television out of Sioux Falls, SD which
covers the area the murders took place I want to address issues on
liability, because KELO's "investigative" reporting after was NOT ON
ILLEGALS, but on a black American woman whose license was revoked and
she was driving.
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT ONE?????? KELO was attacking Americans who had not
murdered children and not the thousands of border busters infesting
Minnesota working in poultry or some other mass plant of exploitation.

First up on liability, I would like to see these families as the
Minnesota liberal Attorney General is not going to file suit is to sue
the car dealers, because the car dealers are selling millions of
vehicles to border busters.
Want to know why you never see any used "school cars" for college kids
in the papers anymore or any more of those 500 dollar round the town
junkers and they are all $4,000 now?????
Well the car dealers first got to junk them for tax deductions YOU PAID
FOR and the remainder which poor Americans used to be able to afford for
transportation are being bought up by border busters with stolen social
security numbers from Americans.

So I want a class action lawsuit against all car dealers as they are
making hundreds of millions of dollars a year on selling vehicles to
illegals and are liable for the dead kids in Minnesota. If they sold
them guns, all hell would break loose if they were Arabs, so selling a
murderous van is a liability. A billion dollar lawsuit for Ford, GM,
Toyota and company should help balance the books.

Cars run on oil........and that is why Americans are having a rationing
of gas in driving up our prices is 10 plus million border busters are
siphoning off our limited refinery supply, so sue the oil companies in
their hundreds of billions of dollars of profits for fueling murder
weapons slaughtering our children.

And we can't forget how the border busters are paying for all of this,
the good olde Chase Manhattan Morgan credit cards for profit owned by
David Rockefeller. Enough of that profit and class action lawsuit every
credit card company for 50 billion dollars.

Oh and the banks which cash the border buster slave checks, skimming
money off of 10 to 30 million illegals, sue all of them too for a
trillion dollars to make their housing loan scam in shackling Americans
to mortgages they can't afford as illegals are inflating housing prices
on starter homes and welfare apartments meant for Americans. Gee the
government is getting kickbacks on that housing too from border busters.
Got to buy that murder van somewhere with additional money and banks are
the blood on the hands accomplices.

If the jobs weren't there in poultry plants, the construction industry,
corporate dairy, hog and whatever farming, then of course there would
not be any money to buy murder weapons. Toss in a few billion for that
lawsuit too.

Walmart.........yeah they might as well hang two signs on their door,
Made in China off of slave labor and Sold in America to Latino slave labor.
A billion for their clothing border busters with warm clothes they buy
tons of to keep up with the cold in Minnesota should fix that problem too.

Might as well put the cherry on top of the Clintons, Obama and his Mama,
John Edwards, John McCain and our wonderful and sometimes deluded el
Presidente Jorge el Busto for enabling this murderous rampage to be
foisted upon Americans budget stressed by the border busters sponging up
all the resources Americans require to survive.
Let them be sued out of their bank accounts to a nice billion and
perhaps then they can live in low rent housing with border busters
screaming all night, their children pooping in the halls and hearing
sirens for a knife fight next door at 3 AM in Spanish lingo.

That should just about even the accounts and that once the courts do not
allow those vulture attorneys more then minimum wage to try the case,
should give every American citizen about one hundred thousand dollars as
a real refund check.

If el Busto, el Bamo and el Fordo do not like the idea of being sued for
the murder of Minnesota children over their policies........hey I'm all
for throwing the entire lot in prison on murder charges along with the
border busters now stoning and putting up wires to cut Border Agent's
heads off on patrol on 4X4's trying to protect America.

If these filthy money grubbers and the hedge fund politicians including
George Soros love border busters so much for profit.........hey they are
certainly entitled to live with them and love with them in low rent
housing or in prison.

Give them a choice of the two.......and I will bet by tomorrow, there
will be a brown streak going for Mexico as given the choice between a
billionaire loosing all their robber baron profits and a border
buster.........American laws will be enforced and illegals will be
deported so the rich can save their own hides.

Little different than when it is merely Minnesota kids dying compared to
what is really important in their bank accounts dying.

PS: The Costa Rican was not the owner of the was another
male border buster, but gee whiz no one seems to be able to find him
either as he fled under stolen ID too.
