Sunday, March 2, 2008

Slavery of a World Race

I was trying to contemplate how to open this to get people's attention,
but how do you convince people that working for BENEFITS at their job
instead of wages is COMMUNISM in it's purest Marx form or how do you
convince the citizen who thinks they are free that they are all slaves
to a system which funds a life they do not have, but benefits
governments and the power elite of the banking cartels.

Perhaps a hated or loved person like Rush Limbaugh might be a place to
start. Rush Limbaugh is like Oprah in earning around 60 million dollars
a year WORKING. Rush though will end up paying in income taxes around 18 million dollars (Now you know why he flies around in his own jet he
leases, because he gets a tax deduction and it makes sense to do it and
have the American people pay for it.) plus he will end up with a whopper
12 to 18 million dollars he will dish out in other hidden taxes or that
wonderful Social Security.
36 million off the top confiscated by the government.

Some might say, yeah but Rush still has 24 million to spend.......yeah
Ken Jennings that little liberal twit of Jeopardy fame said the same
thing until his millions in winnings ended up the government stealing
back almost 1/3rd. When it is your money then it starts being important.

It is your money though period. The average American, that means YOU
reading this pays 60% of what they earn in TAXES each year. It takes
until June each year for you to pay that off. Half of your lives is
being enslaved so you can live in Buckingham Palace, vacation in Europe,
eat steak every day and sleep in silk sheets while your servants bow to
you and cook your breakfast.
Gee you don't have that going on.........strangely EVERY MIDDLE CLASS
AMERICAN HAD SERVANTS earning good wages up until 1920.......strangely
that is when the income tax system was starting to gobble up American

So this is about you.......and yet Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary
Clinton, George Bush, John McCain and that love child of the right Mike
SLAVERY of the Soviet System in the United States of Amerika.

For the record, the next leader will mandate universal health care. That
means ANOTHER 20% off of your income. That means you will be working
until October each year for "benefits" only Mexicans will be getting and
the lovely part is the money which is left you will still have to
stretch to pay gas bills for your car, mortgages, repairs and all those
little things which you have to pay.

The General Accounting Office published this past week a finding which
basically stated the welfare state or entitlement system of America will
bankrupt the system in 20 there is no more money left.
America in this inflation Rockefeller creating wealth cycle can not
inflate wealth enough to out pace debt. You have heard of Enron, that is
what is screaming down the track when most of you reading this will be
thinking or retiring.

Eddie Chiles during the Carter years used to have a radio broadcast that
started out, "I'm Eddie Chiles and I'm mad as hell about......."
Well where is the Eddie Chiles today mad as hell in not kicking these
politicians in the a** to get results!

I posted a detailed thesis on Newsbusters which is a site meant to bust
liberal bias. The economist on the site ignored the economic program in
one Noel Shepperd just as much as Mitt Romney ignored my letter when I
contacted him.
I have news for people. America had one politician who understood
economics and it was Ronald Reagan and he had one mentor in Milton
Friedman who knew economic policy........what we have now is morons,
pure and simple ignorants who don't know poop for brains.

The American system of economics was built upon Adam Smith. He was a
British genius who explained that when you turned free people loose to
produce and keep their work invested as wages, that nations prospered.

You will recognize that in 2 Americans who founded Free Enterprise in
America in Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson understood that property owners working to convert their labor
to wealth made for a moral people who prospered. Franklin in his
economics stated that raw materials from forestry and farming when
coupled with the merchant sector selling industrial goods produced from
that work that entire nations prospered.

Milton Friedman built upon this as did his pupil Ronald Reagan in
understanding that lessened taxes and more production made everyone
quite prosperous.
This is not a Republican thing alone as the first guy who implemented it
was John F. Kennedy who also got off the Federal Reserve with his own
Kennedy silver backed dollars. Kennedy was assassinated immediately
after he did this and as he was buried the "government" was hauling all
those Silver Certificates out of the public's hands just like FDR did
when he mandated owning gold was crime and had the government confiscate
it all in the 1930's.

The plan I have been inspired by to fix all America's fiscal problems is
simple. It is PRODUCTION.
In the short term, all those billions dumped into the global warming
scam are instead granted to homeowners to build and stock their own
disaster shelters. That activity will undo the housing market fiasco
which was created to soak up all those dollars which were printed up to
stop a depression.
Those grants will create good American jobs, buy American produced goods
and start an influx of economic growth to get this nation to phase 2.

Phase 2 involves the mining of ocean minerals and crude oils by American
companies to be sold the Eurasian markets. If you think the world is
full of gems, minerals and metals, the ocean is 2/3rds of the planet
untapped and just waiting to be gathered.
This new industry will be free of all taxes, including the workers as
long as the money is reinvested into the United States.

Imagine China, Japan, Europe, Arabs, Africans OWING THE UNITED STATES
MONEY instead of the US in debt to them. It was not imaginary as of 1950
as at that time the United States was LENDING TO THE WORLD and the world
owed us.

OK now China and world is buying our resources and the balance of trade
is an American surplus.
Oil prices now drop and Americans are no longer funding Russian oil
nuclear building in our dollars flowing in there and Arab Muslim
terrorists in our money flowing in there.....even kook Chavez the
communist of Venezuela stops buying arms as he doesn't have the money to
come against the United States.

I hope the above is soaking in as if Russia, China and Muslims are in
debt to America and not having money to attack America, then America
does not have to fight costly wars in the trillions freeing Iraq.

Want to know how America fixed Iran long ago? No military at all. It was
just simply Kermit Roosevelt as CIA station chief telling the Shah to
get out from under his bed as a revolution was being fomented by
America. The Shah got to be Shah, America got cheap oil which helped our
living standard and Iranians got a peaceful nation which was tolerant
and prosperous.
See when America has tons of money, the money is leverage to make
nations do what is best for America and them without questions.

Fix this Rockefeller enslavement inflationary system where only the
elites have money and power and everyone in the world is happy except
the communists and Islamocommunist which the Rockefellers and
Rothschilds create as those systems make it easy to rape nations of
their wealth.
Sound familiar Americans as that is what you are going through now too
just like the Chinese peasant exploited today.

I will not leave this alone either in the fix is there for these Mexican
and Latino illegals. There are several billion dollar "foundations" like
Ford, MacArthur, Rockefeller and Heinz now which fund programs that tell
Mexicans that America is THEIR LAND STOLEN.
That nonsense stops immediately and that communist foundation drivel has
their funds confiscated and America buys up northern Mexico.

The northern Mexican states then are flooded with American industry
which also builds American schools and health care. America Americanizes
northern Mexico as our buffer and the illegals can be there working at
home producing cheap products Americans can than afford to buy.
The same scenario is accomplished in Canada where America buys Canadian
raw wealth and Americanizes eastern Canada which is nothing by a liberal
Teddy Kennedy haven of communism. The wester Canadians will support this
as a Canadian revolution to their system where they will prosper.
The end result is SOVEREIGN Mexico and Canada Americanized in being our
trading partners as America gathers in the money from around the world
funding our advanced technology.

That is how America fixes this mess and converts to a doctrine I named
after myself 20 years ago in a simple phrase, "The policy of the United
States government shall be that EVERY WORKING CITIZEN in their life will
become at least a millionaire not through inflation but through
production so they can afford to care for themselves".

That is FREEDOM and Responsible Liberty which the United States was
founded on. The system now foisted upon Americans is nothing more than
shearing of sheep where Americans do not advance, but baa baa harder
each day getting older and not having security.

All of thee above is doable as it was done in Franklin's time, was done
in George Custer's time and was done in John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan's
time. Reagan could not complete the cycle though as the same bankers
which Abraham Lincoln called a worse threat than the Confederate Army
pillaged the South American Republics, enslaved them too and sent
American jobs overseas via Bill Clinton for the globalists.

This is how to fix things and I would even throw in a Joseph 7 year
Egyptian plan of buying up stores for emergencies wheat, vegetable oils,
dried meat and that wonderful oil supply so America and our allies would
be ready for the Great Tribulation.
Yeah, here am I a Christian and proud of the inspiration in giving God
all credit for what is written here as He has the solutions in I have
peeked at what is coming and know how bad it will be.

I would also build a high speed rail system in the United States as an
economic stimulus and security measure in the same way 1870's America
built the old steam system for economic prosperity. No government money
though.......just telling Boeing, Ford, US Steel and the American
railroads if they build it they can keep the profits.

People have to understand my doctrine which I exposed about taxes. The
government in taxation ALWAYS ENDS UP WITH ALL THE MONEY. For example,
you earn a dollar. Your local tax is 6 cents on the dollar. You spend it
and you are left with 94 cents.
That dollar is turned over 5 times a day in a community which adds up to
30 cents. In 4 days at 6% tax that dollar is all gone and spent by the
It goes much faster than that as paychecks are income tax, gas tax is
excise tax so a dollar spent is gone in 3 times it is spent.

Do you get the idea why no one has any money? The government gets
everything you have in taxes.

Americans do not have to exist. Americans can LIVE. This is how one does
it on proven methods.

All I can do is preach from the wilderness as wonderful sites like
Newsbusters hide what I submit, "Conservative pundits refuse to address
this system as they are just as paid for as Al Franken" and the American
people are frogs in the hot pan of water slowly dying in misery in not
screaming for the American system to be reimplemented into the United

God help us as it is too late, but it is still fixable but no one has
the brains now nor the not purchased price of the cartels to implement
the saving grace.

Produce America and keep your money. That is the solution.
