Tuesday, March 25, 2008

4000 Dead Americans

I have listened to the festering pustules of mob anarchy from Arianna Huffington to Jeff Rense use the 4000 dead American Soldiers as war clubs in their chaos to gain power and profit.........well Rense says thousands of more are dead, but he has no proof.......Jeff Rense just "knows" like a gypsy fortune teller or Michael Moore can see anything for a dollar amount.

It is a disgusting thing to behold, but have you ever asked in real numbers just where were these people and where are these anarchists on others dead?

Know how many people die each year in accidents for the gold Rense and the gold diggers pedal?
199 dead in South Africa in 2006, surpassed 200 in 2007. In Shangshan China, 50 dead and thousands more dropping like flies from silica poisoning from dry drilling for gold.
Add up the collective numbers and more people have died than in the Iraq war all for the Soros and Rense and company gold whores.

Know how many people die each year from "health supplements" which sponsor this ilk?
THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR IN SUPPLEMENT NATIONS WITH MORE HARMED FOR LIFE. Kava Kava a diet supplement kills over a thousand people in China each year.
In specific American categories, herbal healers like to quote the 100,000 dead a year from prescription drugs. The fact is the FDA only has reports on 1,500 deaths or 1 in 9.
In those terms, at least 26 people were reported to the FDA for electrolyte, mineral and dietary supplement so in using the same math, over 21,000 Americans die from the multi billion dollar wonder cures.

Where is Rense, Huffington in a 6 year Iraq war speaking of the like total of 60,000 people slaughtered by them and their sponsors?

It seems the difference is as long as liberals are making huge profits off of sick, maimed and dying people it is a lovely thing compared to President Bush with Patriotic Soldiers only laying down their lives for America.
....and yes President Bush is a hero as he stayed in the White House after 9 11 when he knew 2 nuclear bombs were in the DC area.

I guess though profit for murder is ok when you are Arianna Huffington in putting coal miners to death and Jeff Rense putting gold miners to death.

Liberal illogic and those who appear on their pages and programs.

Oh and 2,392 American soldiers died in 1979 under Jimmy Carter who caused al Qaeda to be formed. That would be 9,200 dead Americans without war under Carter's term.

It appears by factual numbers that President Bush leading the United States military in war is safer for the military than under a liberal at "peace".