Monday, March 24, 2008

Disarming Kosovo by Arming Kosvoans

In Washington, DC, the Supreme Court is currently hearing whether
citizens hiding behind locked doors can be armed compared to criminals
who have weapons of choice and cheap price playing dodge with an armed
police force unable to stop rape, robbery and murder of DC citizens.

If one examines the condition of the Philistine peoples of Gaza, another
melodrama occurs where one has armed criminals in mafia type
Islamocommunist gangs forcing unarmed citizens to be human shields,
human bombs while opposing factions carry either M 16's or AK 47's
depending upon which fascist or communist is carrying them.

In this one can examine the extremes of massive thug rule in Nazi
Germany or Soviet Russia where certain citizens with permits were
allowed to be armed, but the 50 ton weight of a regime crushed everyone
below who dared act out.

All of this mirrors upon Kosovo in now President Bush arming a group of
2000 to "police" an area which has mafia type criminals armed with
machine guns, mortars and other large ordnance which can chew through
any police officer.
It is well known that the police of LA during riots fled to their homes
protecting their own when a mob armed with clubs burnt a city. The same
situation is in Kosovo. Arming a small policing force against the
greater mob who is willing to murder and create mayhem for their
commerce of trade in illegal items are no more effective than NATO
patrolling an area keeping law and order.
NATO oversees lawlessness and disorder and that is why no one in Kosovo
is shooting at NATO as if one leaves NATO alone, a criminal is left
alone to their trade.

Kosovo is the big secret everyone knows about, but the whisper no one is
willing to acknowledge. Kosovo was about an oil pipeline. Kosovo was
about keeping Turkey and Greece from blowing each other up. Kosovo is
about stopping Bolshevik expansion as Russia buys up everything not
nailed down. Kosovo is about a trade route by financiers of contraband
out of Asia into Europe and Kosovo is about Saudi support for the Middle
East menagerie so Islamists can have a state in Europe.
Kosovo is not about Kosovo. Kosovo is a banquet with too many chefs
trying to make the Sunday chicken into a Friday lamb feast served on
beef Saturday so it tastes like European sage sprinkled with farina and
not Russian dill.

All the chefs are in the pot and this thing is going to taste bad and
look even worse.

The answer to Kosovo is not police forces, but in English Common Law in
arming the entire populace with equal fine old bolt action Mausers in
making certain Serbia and the surrounding states are as civilian armed
as in an American Second Amendment.
Armed societies are polite societies.

Furthermore, Kosovo is already of Canton status as the Swiss regulate so
well. One can still be as much as Iraq in 3 Cantons existing together
independent as one nation and still enjoy the benefits of security and
the more powerful intra trade of being part of Serbia.
Monaco might be pretty, but the chance of a citizen there living a
dream of manufacturing ships, building jets or ever producing an Olympic
champion or soccer team worth note is nil.

If one wants to eat bread, one farms. If one wants lights, heat and
cake, one develops as Adam Smith stated a manufacturing and merchant
based on agriculture or else all one has is banks who hold your money as
you sweep streets as a serf.

Kosovo must look to it's self interest as it knows too well how
superpowers of the day have treated the entire Balkans as their entire
rapine ground. It does not make a difference if the tide is Turkish
Caliph or Soviet Empire as the fact remains the tides retreat and the
Balkans are left bowing to whatever master arrives to take control.

This is what the answer is in English Common Law in every citizen armed
as a Swiss Canton. Nazi Germany as much as Imperial Japan each did not
attempt a home invasion of Switzerland nor America as the citizens there
had more firearms responsibly controlled than they had Bibles.
If one wants to have a secure Kosovo, one does not arm the few, but one
arms the many and makes certain the governance of Serbia is the
protecting overall force from foreign threat while the people of Kosovo
under the vote of each citizen is armed and king of his own home protect
themselves from internal anarchy.

Kosovo is no place for the west to take a stand and it is no place for
Russia to look upon it as a stepping stone to Europe and no place for
the friend of Saudi Arabia to be looking to create a Gaza in Europe
causing more problems for peaceful Muslims as new Zawahiri's stretch
their wings looking to throw off the mentor in the east.

The arming of 2000 police in Kosovo is about as effective as arming a
guard in a lion's cage with a rolled up newspaper. One is not policing a
thing as the lion will only behave on the lion's terms.

This genie though is not out of the bag no more than the lion from the
cage. It is still possible for measures to be secured to have Kosovo
accept a Canton status which works for them, works for Serbia and is a
trade for Russia in pulling back on it's purchasing advances all
throughout the region with Saudi Arabia understanding that the Kurds are
effectively secure inside Iraq more than outside of Iraq with Turkey
intently looking after it's interests.

If Kosovo was an island in the middle of nowhere none of this would
matter, but the stakes are too high as a World War once started in the
Balkans and history shows the peoples of this region have been smashed
by empires on conquest to greater thrones east or west.

Christian Serbia's future is in the free west and not the Bolshevik
Russian orb and Kosovo's future is not in the turmoil of the Middle East
but in mirroring self rule as thee United States are autonomous within
the United States as the Kurds mentioned before.

Make every Kosovo citizen a king with a gun and you make every Kosovoan
a Plutarch in their Republic a citizen equal to the Serb, Albanian and
Italian not wasting resources on fighting, but working together in
honest trade.

The path though being laid now in self centered interests of all is
going to be a path that the people of Kosovo will rue the day as they
are not becoming a beacon of light, but a flash point of the ignition of
a great war involving east and west.
For when leverage of land and position gives way to leverage of crime
and financiers......history proves that someone will always take the
next step to leverage in assassination which will spark another war.

Lebanon is our present to prove that. Greater statesmen of the Balkans
with both east and west looking to the conditions which do work are
required to make certain that Kosovo does not become the catalyst of
Lebanon for central Europe.

May God bless the better nature of His children to see a better path
than has been chosen.