Thursday, March 13, 2008

All that Glitters

Last night I heard a self described genius on the Jeff Rense program
bragging that he had bought gold at 200 dollars an ounce and now gold
was around 1000 dollars an ounce.
This genius was actually thinking he was money ahead.

I hear this often from the Rense, Quayle and Ron Paul anarchists who
have given me inside tips to "buy bulk silver", but all of these
"followers of God" never seem to remember the Bible verse which predicts
people will cast their gold in the streets.
They also seem to forget that Franklin Democrat Roosevelt outlawed
owning gold once and stole the whole shebang from citizens.

What the cold hard gold facts in gold is this. Gold going up 5 times
from 200 to 1000 only means that the dollar has lost 5 times it's value.
So the investor does not have a 1000 dollars, but only the same garbage
dollar worth nothing he started with now cropped to inflation.
The only way one wins in this game is being named Rockefeller,
Rothschild or Warburg, because they buy low and sell high never paying
taxes. You the gold gatherer buy at their price, using their printed
currency subject to inflation and in the end all you end up doing is
loosing ground while they gain in making you a slave.

Example, a 71 Ford car cost 1200 dollars. An 08 Ford car will not run
you 23,000 dollars. Your house was 5000 dollars and now is 110,000
dollars.....and in that big inflationary tale groceries were 20 dollars
for 4 bags of groceries filled with meat and now is 4 bags filled with
nothing for 100 dollars.

See all your expenses gold gatherers are larger than your idea of your
inflationary wealth. You have lost it all and when you used to just have
your kid move into your 5000 dollar home to take care of you as you
croaked in your sleep that you now get carted off to a geezer Soylent
center at 3000 dollars a month and the kids get nothing, but the
Rockefeller medical economic rape center gets all you thought you
thought you had.

So much for being a genius. He didn't even know the the slave ship had
sailed and the clanking was not gold, but the sound of chains.
