Thursday, March 13, 2008

Carlyle Group: A Tangled Web

Most people upon hearing Carlyle Group immediately consider the Bush
family due to all the conspiracy press which the anarchists across the
world generate. I decided upon hearing Carlyle was having financial woes
to the effect that the California Retirement System owns a 5.5% stake
would most likely loose that money if Carlyle goes bankrupt, to just see
if the globalists were sticking it to the Bush family.

The short answer is nope.

If you research Carlyle one thing starts jumping out immediately. In
2005, most of the Bush team got out of Dodge. The team which starts
jumping out as running Carlyle now is the Bill Clinton group of hooligans.

William Kennard, Chairman of the U.S. (FCC) under President Bill
Clinton, Carlyle's Managing Director in the Telecommunications & Media
Group from 2001 to the present.

Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the (SEC) under President Bill Clinton,
Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2001 to the present.

Mack McClarty, White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton,
President of Kissinger McClarty Associates, Carlyle Senior Advisor from
2003 to the present.

Allan Gotlieb, Canadian ambassador to the United States (1981-89) and
member of Carlyle's Canadian advisory board and member of the Trilateral

Except for a few former Bush 41 underlings, it appears with funding from
Dubai being stuck with another money pit American company leaving a
trail of financial ruin as fall guys, the scam artists since 2005 are
the Bill Clinton comrades filtered into take control.

Somewhere into this Olivier Sarkozy, the brother of French President
Nicholas Sarkozy was sucked into this too.

While some will cheer, what appears to have happened was the Bush
investment group after getting massive contracts which were legal to
funnel money into their profit making projects basically got out of
Carlyle 3 years ago.
A new group of changlings of the Clinton group came into power and this
group started buying massive debt in the housing boom to make profits.
Once the well known constriction started Carlyle was doomed as it was
set up to be doomed.

In essence, Carlyle became a massive out cash cow which funneled money
to banks holding debt. Remember Carlyle was buying debt and that money
just did not disappear. The big banks which apparently were all cartel
globalists did not get caught in this trap. They skimmed the money and
instead bought slave contracts (this is buying consumer credit card debt
which people can not default on) and have now walked away with what will
be a trillion dollars or more.

This was a brilliant scheme just like the dotcom bust and now when
people hear Carlyle they will think BUSH FAMILY and they have long ago
left that vista and this was the Clinton operatives funneling money in a
scam. It was genius.

Probably be even more genius when all those geezers in California find
out their retirement funds in part got gobbled. Then the collapse will
herd people to more screaming for the communist government of Amerika to
save them.

Tip of the hat to the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Rockefellers. They even
sank their own people this time for the greater ends justifying the means.