Monday, March 31, 2008

The American Censortate

It is still surprising when it happens, but I was banned from another
"free expression of thought site" today which joins a list of Huffington
Post, Rense, Steve Quayle, Jihad Watch and now FrontPage.

It should be noteworthy to note what I was banned for in all of these
sites was not for profanity, vulgarity, anti Americanism nor for
hate.......but the words for which my blogs were censored were TRUTH,

The Huffington Post banned my blogs as I pointed out that while Arianna
Huffington was blaming George Bush for coal mine accidents it was her
using natural gas instead of coal which caused the mines to be
impoverished so safety was not upgraded and a little guy by the name of
Bill Clinton shut down American coal veins for Indonesian bribes.
Plus pointing out that Bob Woodruff's wife, Lee was advocating treating
sex perverts with Penthouse magazines just was too much for Arianna.

Rense was the most amusing in this as I blogged the fallacy of a
vegetarian diet which Jeff Rense so worships. He stewed upon this in
silence for weeks until I sent in a note stating something Drudge was
featuring which was contrary to what Rense was putting on.
To this Rense gave a most snotty reply stating things I did not say and
not comprehending I was just pointing out what Drudge had on.
It was ok, as I really did not appreciate Jeff Rense using a raped woman
in Jessica Lynch as a battering ram over his now proven fallacy of the
Iraq war not being justified as WMD was indeed found in 1.77 tons of
uranium along with Syria housing Saddam's biological weapons.

Steve Quayle was not much of a drama. I was explaining something of one
of his many "sources" like Capitol Hill Blue was a bogus site of the New
World Order and signed my letter, Your humble servant.
To which he snottily replied, "You are NO SERVANT OF MINE". Meaning, I
was not a Christian.
Oh well, Jesus has already decided that.

Jihad Watch of Robert Spencer money for profit in bashing Muslims judged
me the unpardonable sin of pointing out that his symbiotic bosom buddy
of Hugh Fitzgerald was quite racist as Victor Davis Hanson pointed out
among those types who wanted to "leave Iraqi women and children who are
brown skinned to the murder of terrorists as they hate those people over
Spencer and Fitzgerald too have been proven wrong on Iraq and other
things they type about concerning Islam, but banning my words does not
remind them of their ignorance.

Then we come to FrontPage where I pointed out that it was communists who
were allowed to get away with genocide in Tibet compared to what happens
in the Israeli state. I too pointed out that it was secular Jews who
were attempting to remove religious Jews from Judea by using the
Adding that communist Jews were the people Hitler was targeting at first
and that these Jews who were soldiers and government dictators were
lumped in with concentration camp Jews which is hardly fair. I pointed
out that was like numbering dead US Japanese internment prisoners with
the dead Japanese of the Imperial Army of Japan. The two have nothing in
My condolences for Mr. Horowitz's daughter were accepted when she passed
away, but such care for Jewish dead in concentration camps having
communists lumped in with their hallowed graves was just too much.

These are sins which have gotten my words banned. All verifiable, all
true, all factual in history...........but in the world of the
Censortate which runs from Google, to Yahoo mail, to government servers
to all these types which scream for 1st Amendment Free Speech and how
bad people they hate are in Islam, Bush, the GOP etc... are the first
ones to whip out the knife and ban someone who dares point out the facts
that rocks their world of dishonesty.

Some of the above I had respect for, but after one witnesses such
nonsense and thin skinned pettiness. It is good they showed their unholy
colors as it is dust off my shoes.

In His Name. Amen

God bless the good and may He prosper them. Education is a wonderful
thing even when it is painful in learning those we hold in esteem are as
petty as the street thug of Iran.
