Monday, March 31, 2008

Banned from Front Page Magazine by David Horowitz

This was not allowed to be posted on Front Page run by David Horowitz.

Apparently the day before my blog about, secular Jews are advocating the
expulsion of religious Jews along with the fact that holocaust Jews who
died in work camps were being lumped together with communist Jewish
soldiers and local dictators to inflate death camp numbers was just too
much Truth.

It is amazing how these groups like David Horowitz, Jeff Rense Robert
Spencer and Arianna Huffington who have all banned my blogs condemn
Muslims, Conservatives etc... and they are the largest group of anti 1st
Ammendment cretins in the world.

The dictator's march in lock step. Disgusting.

To state that the Muslim Brotherhood spawned al Qaeda is as incorrect as
stating the Democratic party spawned the Ku Klux Klan.
The banna Nazi or Muslim Brotherhood was searching for "freedom" from
colonial rule of Europe. They saw "freedom" in the form of the
socialists of Europe in the Nazi party of Germany with it's Darwinistic
and Babylonian Mystery Religion symbols.
The Persian hoping for support from Indo European Assyrians now called
Germans changed their name to Aryan or Iranian as northern Iraq into
India was once home to these exiled peoples of Samaria, then known in
Chaldean and Persian texts as Khumri or Cimmeran.

These Muslim socialists (there really is not a whole lot of information
that they were true fascists in believing in government control of
industry etc.... which is pure Nazi.) were more interested in liberation
from colonialism.

As the movement spread into Saudi Arabia it took on a definite fascist
tendency in Wahabbism, but as the Egyptian Nassar became the fascist
head with Sadat leaning to a more open society a key player came out of
Egypt. Zawahiri.
Zawahiri after Sadat's assassination left the fascists and joined his
leadership of Egyptian Brotherhood to a communist leaning.
When he was captured in Chechnya by Russian FSB. He was converted to
ISLAMOCOMMUNISM and has been an agent of Russian communism ever since.
Allowing as is typical communism for bin Laden to be blamed while
communists carry out the slaughter. It was the Islamocommunists
slaughtered Shia and Sunni in Iraq, not Muslims.

Into this came the branch of Muslim Brotherhood which is socialist, but
not of Egypt but floats about the Middle East. This group did not spawn
al Qaeda or Hamas.
Hamas is pure Islamocommunism backed by the Soviets and now Russians
with the Baathists of Iran who are Islamocommunists. Arafat was a
communist stooge of Russia and Hamas still his. Fatah lurks about as
fascist with support from the fascists of Saudi Arabia.
None of that is to discredit the Saudi's. One does not have to have
tyranny in being a fascist no more than Tito was a tyranical in leading
Yugoslavia successfully.

Baathism is the key in this as it is French form of hybrid Islamic
communism they forged for the Middle East. It is these communists who
ruled in Iraq with Saddam Hussein. Assad of Syria is Islamocommunist and
if one follows Khomeini of Iran, his entire entourage was communist
Baathist in his taking over Iran. Iran is still run by communists and is
why they love Russia and why Russia supports them.
The Iranian Islamcommunists were brought into power by the British
communists of MI6 during the bungling Carter years. They never forgave
Kermit Roosevelt for stealing Iran away with it's oil and when they saw
the chance to gain Iran back, Carter willingly blundered into their

Jimmy Carter in this is key as his bungling caused a stop gap measure to
try and contain Russia in it's invasion of Afghanistan.
Carter's answer was using billions in the CIA to create a Muslim army to
fight Russia. This was called the Muhajadeen and when President Reagan
got ahold of it, this group became a pro western hammer against Russia
which sent them home in defeat from south Asia.
All was well with the Muhajadeen under the Bush 41 years as they were
held in check with the Taliban acting as an Albanian island swirling
within itself.
All of that changed though when Bill Clinton in his pro active foreign
policy of stealing Russian resources led a fight in Kosovo for an oil
pipeline he never got built.

Kosovo had numbers of reasons from checking Russia, stealing Russian
resources, keeping Turkey and Greece from killing each other in
disruptin NATO to the Saudi plan of having a Muslim sanctuary in Europe
in the old Caliph.
Clinton tainted US policy by backing KLM Muslim mafia who with Bosnia
ethnically cleansed Serbs from their lands while blaming Serbians for
doing that.
As a sidenote, many of the genocide Muslims have shown up again now
voting in elections. So much for propaganda.

Clinton needed a fighting force and by this imported the Muhajadeen from
It was during this time the Muhajadeen were undergoing a transformation.
A rich Yemeni Syrian of Saudi citizenship was uniting the different
groups. This came to a head in the Saddam invasion of Kuwait. bin Laden
being fascist yearned to make war on communist Saddam. bin Laden
approached the Saudi intelligence service stating he could with his
militia drive Saddam from Kuwait.
The Saudi's knowing this was impossible laughed at him and bin Laden was
furious at the humiliation.

This is what was the genesis of al Qaeda, but bin Laden was only intent
on making war on the Saudi regime and topping it for his own reasons
from childhood.

Bill Clinton uncorked all of this. The Russians under Putin responded by
recruiting Zawahiri and a new guerrilla war was started against the west
in retaliation for the plunder of Russia by European bankers under
Yeltsin and the Kosovo campaign where Wesley Clark almost started World
War III by advocating bombing Russian troops in the Balkans.

It was Russian FSB and GRU which supplied the intelligence for this now
dawing al Qaeda war with the Chicoms using trans shipping. The Bekkah
Valley would become the counterfeit capitol of the world in US currency
and forged documents moving al Qaeda operatives around.

9 11 was the focal point in this in attempt to crush United States
economic power in the world. The current banking problems are the result
of President Bush stopping this initiated depression.
The follow up attack is currently being battled over and will be
nuclear. This why the stories have been leaking out about atomic bombs
moved by "accident" to atomic parts "accidentally" ending up in Taiwan.
Sec. Gates inventory of nuclear weapons is designed as the final warning
that if a Russian Chinese attack which will be blamed on bin Laden
occurs that the same "terrorists" will blow up cities in Eurasian
communist areas using "stolen American parts".

This is the Mecca Medina Doctrine President Bush initiated after 9 11
that if New York went, so would the Muslim cities.
The reason for the current nuclear follow up is President Bush has been
successful in smashing the Islamocommunists where they thought they
would win by attrition like Vietnam, but are being wiped out instead.

During this period the Islamofascists of Saudi Arabia went on a building
campaign of Wahabbist mosques around the world with agents who seem now
to have communist loyalties were infiltrating the entire Saudi system in
the same way the Russians have bastardized the Pak Intel with all the
Russian oil money in turning them against the United States.
The Islamocommunist using the same 5th column which the Soviet's
produced during the Reagan years to destroy America from within are now
in league with the various Islamic groups producing an anarchist body.

These Islamcommunists fund and put in place Muslims into every
Conservative and liberal group. Think tanks love money and when oil
money knocks they put on the Islamic expert they have chosen for them.

None of this discounts the Muslim Brotherhood such as Junior Keith
Ellison from Minnesota. The MB's doctrine has emerged from anti
colonialism to a political overthrow of western Christian states. Their
doctrine is peaceful which is occurring now, but their doctrine states
they will resort to violence if they do not gain their objectives.
They are indeed a danger to the United States and the Islamocommunists
are indeed lurking behind them with directional support and agents,
knowing that in a fight which will come it will be the CAIR types who
will be taken down and the lurking communists will remain to reap the

If one examines the Middle East, one can see Iran pushing Hamas and
Syria as lesser communists to take the bloody brunt or nuclear attack
while the Persian who is not Arab remains to reap the spoils.
This has always been the typical communist ruse in the same way Putin
fomented a Chechin Muslim outbreak to blow things up, so he would be
viewed as cooperative source against the war on terror when the
Bolsheviks were the source.

This hopefully clears up the flaws in the published article as too many
times as like on Jihad Watch one sees "experts" speaking of these groups
as one or drawing a line which is uninformed.

Thank you and God bless.