Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Columbian Terrorists proclaim Barack Obama next President of the United States

Apparently while the world slept through Ron Paul drama in the GOP and
the Billary Clinton chew fest on Barack Obama, Senator Obama's handlers
have been showing up across the globe on "missions" that look very much
like illegal acts.

On Charlie Rose, Tom Daschle, top Obama adviser stated
"he was just back from talking with the communist Chinese".

Matt Drudge featured for days a blaring headline of "Barack Obama tells
Canadians not to believe public rhetoric on trade".

Favorite globalist thug, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama's chief foreign
policy adviser, was even in Syria with the Rand Corporation right before
the Israeli Defense Forces lit up Gaza.

Now today in the killing of Columbian terrorist, FARC leader, Paul
Reyes, operating a terror camp in communist Ecuador against the free
government of Columbia, have appeared a laptop with various email
messages to Reyes by his top people discussing Chavez, money payments and
"American gringos meeting with FARC" setting future policy of the United States.

These "gringos" according to Ivan Marquez who is FARC's bag man go
between with Hugh Chavez of Venezuela, he states that FARC is being told
that Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States.
These gringos are also working through communist Ecuador's government.
Barack Obama also has through these gringos informed FARC terrorists he
will undo President Bush's free trade policy with Columbia (exactly the
same context of what the Canadians broke featured on Drudge.) and will
cut off the entire military aid program against Columbian narco terrorists.
Terrorists who have murdered and kidnapped hundreds of people. This
includes a gravely ill French hostage, Ingrid Bentancourt and 3 American

All of this is highly illegal for any citizen who is not in the State
Department or Executive Branch making policy for the United States of
One only has to revisit the disaster of Jimmy Carter during the Clinton
years going to North Korea, embarrassing the Clintons by working a deal
in hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes to stop North Korea from
building atomic bombs, only to have the communist North Koreans build
them any way.

People can deduct from the above that a literal faux government has
dangerously been dispatched around the world making counter US policy.

For all of the hearsay about Barack Obama's homosexual activity to his
connections to the Rezko real estate fraud, this is a literal conspiracy
to undermine the policy of the United States government and quite illegal.

America can not have citizens according to the law dispatching
operatives for the Rockefeller CFR cartel making promises to
Islamocommunist dicators, communists and terrorists.

Who is going to ask Senator Barack Obama just what has been going on as terrorists are being informed by "gringos" that he is the next President of the United States.

There is already enough problems on this laptop with Hugh Chavez being
exposed funding FARC with a 300 million dollar "gift".
