Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Economic Constriction

American Economic Constriction, not Recession

With the economic news ascending the ionosphere of attention grabbers again, it is time that some facts in literal English language usage aid in explaining what all citizens are going through and will be experiencing.

The first word to explain is America is not in a recession, but in a CONSTRICTION. There is a vast difference as in recessions an economy gradually recedes like a wave washing on a shore. In a constriction an economy jerks like in an earthquake causing upheaval.

Perhaps the best way to explain this is to explain how this all started. The genesis of this was Lyndon Johnson desiring to complete 3 projects. His Great Society war on poverty which has now wasted trillions. The Kennedy Vietnam War and the Kennedy Moon exploration which was another war, but non shooting with the Soviet Union.
This spending broke the US economy.

Richard Nixon coming into office as a socialist then tried price controls with utter disaster. He then to gain re election opened the government buying apparatus which Dwight Eisenhower had refused to do in 1959 which caused Nixon's defeat.
These actions then caused inflation as the Rockefeller and Rothschild banking cartels had worked a plan of wealth where trade would be US dollars for OPEC oil traded for world commodities. The end result was oil was spiked and the US economy was constricted.

Jimmy Carter entered this scenario and was completely inept as he continued to tax and spend which in the constriction caused a stagnant economy hinged on inflation spinning out of control.
It was into this that the banking cartels in order to gain funds raped the US farm economy which had prospered during the Nixon years and sent America's greatest asset to Joe Stalin oblivion as he had done to prosperous farmers.

Ronald Reagan entered this with Milton Friedman economics and while it built upon a service economy. It did indeed work and Americans prospered with high passport saving accounts, the stock market rising dramatically and an advanced trading partnership being built with South American Republics which was prospering Americans.
Reagan funded this effort which was built on Japanese yen trade to expand the economy to deal with the massive debt of toppling the Soviet Union with Pope John Paul and East German Lutherans creating the underground of Truth with Saudi oil money backing the venture.

George Herbert Walker Bush inherited this growing economy and was suckered by Democrat George Mitchell to raise taxes. By this time the Japanese economy had bloated and was burst causing them massive problems, but the Reagan growth was now being slowed due to taxes and a recession began which lowered interest rates so the banks could stimulate the economy and via spending earn huge sums of money.
It was at this time that Reagan's South American trading partners were raped as US farmers were suckered into high interest loans by the cartels. These nations soon defaulted and the coming communization of the major South American partners was set.
Hugo Chavez is a direct result of this George Soros nation rape plans for resources. He did the same thing for world globalism in attacking the British pound when Maggie Thatcher was in office.

All of this expansion in dollars was what Bill Clinton stepped into and it was him who started the current disaster America now faces with his "retroactive taxes" which taxed people on money they had already earned a second time.
The dollars being printed went into the Stock Market dotcom bubble to absorb them and create a false economic expansion which was burst like the fleecing of the American farm economy in 1977 under Jimmy Carter so the banking cartel could regain "their" funds.
Bill Clinton at this time passed NAFTA which both US corporations and US unions begged him for help not to, but Clinton answering the globalist call shed the US of good jobs and American industry fled overseas to cheap labor production.

The major recession set in the year before Bill Clinton left office and this is where George W. Bush entered office.
The world was a fat lazy bum by this time feeding off of the Reagan economic growth. Socialism had dragged the entire European and Asian economies down to non production in creating "socialist democracies" which are nothing more than national socialism of the Nazi movement where governments regulate where money is spent in corporations, the elite prosper and economies neither grow nor fail. They simply lay there limp.
As the Clinton recession moved on, the 9 11 attack was designed to plunge the United States and western and eastern "free trade" into worldwide DEPRESSION. This is vital to understand at this point that George W. Bush was left with only one saving grace by the banking cartels who own the Federal Reserve and that was to open the printing presses and go on a massive spending spree to keep the world economy from depression.
Whether one likes George W. Bush or not, he did indeed save the world from a worldwide depression. This money was spent on the Iraq war and the housing bubble to soak up that trillion dollars.

When one dumps that kind of currency into a market though worldwide, it creates an economic drunk which becomes an economic hangover.
The results are money is plentiful so inflation rises as people like Chinese communists buy oil when it is 50 dollars a barrel for 100 dollars a barrel. People like George Soros run hedge funds which finance all American candidate for office whose intent is to overload the economic system to create only 3 regional currencies so it is easier to plunder nations and people like globalists use these economic scares to advance global control in things like the North American union.

This is the pressure the US economy is under as it constricts and other economies go into a drunken sleep. For example the socialist economies of Europe under Keynesian economics are sluggish at 3% growth on average, but the eastern European economies implementing Milton Friedman economics are flourishing at 6% average.
The Russian Bolshevik economy which is taking stage is prospering under huge influxes of selling oil and gas to Europe which it wills to enslave and the Chinese economy is set to implode as Japan did. This time though Russia will be it's loan shark and not the United States as Russia needs a war to deal with China so it does not have to. The candidate for this war is the United States which will leave in globalist terms, a Bolshevik Russia free to supply the world as America did after World War II and it's main problems of China and America in economic depression.
The central European Rothschild led cartels in exchange economically get to launder the Russian funds.

This is where the American economy now slumps along in a deliberate war attack on it from numerous forces with no candidate, including Ron Paul with any solid plan to fix it.
This is not meant as a swipe at Dr. Paul, but people need to hold his feet to the fire even more and stop the Ron Paul chant like it is a fix for all things. Dr. Paul's economic policies would cause a massive deflation in "fixing" things which would ruin most Americans to a third world exchange ratio of standard of living. His foreign policy will cause regional wars which will explode into a massive Eurasian war with is coming which always sucks the United States into it as those children over there never play well with each other.

In this America requires sound economic policy, but has none except for a positioning by the current President to try and withstand wars and world economic upheaval he knows is coming.
George W. Bush entered Iraq for numerous reasons from keeping American currency fluid to protect American standard of living to creating an arc of containment against Russia and China which was supposed to include a liberated Syria and Iran.
As stated, this economic upheaval just as in all world wars is what precedes thee actual wars as nations compete for resources. The Eurasian war was supposed to be fought on the Asian steppes where American firepower would be most effective in ending Russian and Chinese flexes to supplant the United States. Now because of people not realizing all Iraq was intended, the World War will start in Kosovo which is indeed a George Bush misstep as he was accepting a European Rothschild trade cordon which Bill Clinton initiated, spread into the Slavic states and create a massive kill zone on the Rhine.
Into this, America will be just as World War II be invaded via Alaska by Russian paratroopers and Chinese communist forces to pin the United States down from aiding western Europe and the Middle East allies.

Yes the current situation in the Judean state will foment this as European cartels lust for power in that region. The central Europeans have already cemented a plan with Jordan to rule the West Bank and with Olmert's cabal answering to Europe on the East Bank, the entire Holy Land will have Judeans driven out who believe in God with the Philistines of Gaza bleeding worse than they are now.
George W. Bush did save 30 million angry young Muslim males from annihilation in "bleeding off" the most violent ones in the kill zone of Iraq and Afghanistan, saving them from a certain nuclear holocaust in the region, but until Muslim policy is not to blame America and the Judean state for their not providing recourse for their Muslim citizens to prosper and live their dreams via work, then the funded hatred coming out of Europe plaguing the Middle East will only continue.

This American economic constriction spreads as it always does historically and it will cause massive anxiety as it binds US citizens and starts the process of breaking the bones of all nations.

None of this is about blame nor judgments of evil. It is about politicians sticking fingers in leaking dikes poked full of holes by powerful elites who want to gain a dictatorship "so the world will be run by their standards as the masses are too inept to govern themselves". One does not have to agree with the above, but one has to understand these globalists believe they have the illuminated answers in their system. They only are reinforced by it as they see how easy it is to manipulate people and cause anarchy in moving one group to bring down John McCain so Ron Paul can rule even if the candidate will be "neocon" Newt Gingrich as Hillary gets pulled down to reach up and pull down Barack Obama so Al Gore can be drafted into the Democratic convention.
Of course if Bill Clinton had not "stolen" uranium out of central Asia which the cartels intended for their own billion dollar profits, Billary would not have to have been punished in being made to "take a dive". Hillary though is quite happy now once again as she has been redeemed to ruin Obama and get to be a Supreme Court nominee.

There are ways indeed to fix this as Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin, Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan have shown. The current banking system runs on debt to prosper and on inflation to create wealth.
The American system was originated to take raw resources or ideas, manufacture them and then sell them via merchants. This is how America can still solve the problem no one is addressing.

History proves that projects like railroads create jobs, security and prosper the entire nation. For example a high speed rail system which includes the airline industry running it with the rail systems, Boeing, Ford, GM and US Steel creating it with silicon valley all would produce a boom of advanced technology and manufacturing to export around the globe and a 20 year cycle of prosperity for America.

For a short term fix, unlike the very unsound "rebates" which the US government is giving away in tax rebates which is nothing more than money the US does not have and increasing the constriction, what if the billions being wasted on the global warming scam were taken by Congress and given as grants to homeowners to build disaster shelters and stock them.
This appeases the climate change advocates and it aids homeowners to regain the wealth in value of property in the current bust. All of that construction helps all local economies and buying US created appliances creates a national surge as the wealth is being created.
In the end, it makes Americans secure in the majority so when Katrina or a nuclear war is threatened, the citizen is in control and can care for themselves and not wait on FEMA to not come for a week.
This economic surge would benefit all Americans for a 5 year expansion in a literal quick fix. The money should be going into all citizen's accounts and not for a few elite professors whose main socialist agenda is to advance their funders like George Soros to control all nations.

In a long range plan for American security beyond the plans of drilling in the Gulf, drilling for oil and Alaska and the creating of bio fuels as America withdraws from the Middle East according to what President Bush is advocating in decade outlook security for America which currently is allowing food to be Soros hedge fund inflated to balance and throttle Eurasian expansion against America. (One uses food prices to soak up Chicom money so they do not have it to invest in weapons aimed at America. The Chicom must then feed it's masses or be overthrown in revolution. Stop gap measures for certain, which will in time cause China to march out to rid itself of it's millions angry males to die in war instead of riots at home, but a President can only ride the ocean wave created for the best result of security.)

America should instead as Benjamin Franklin advocated produce our way out of the scenario in informing the cartels they will prosper and the current constriction has the adverse chance of creating a massive WMD war which will touch the west where they live too.
The most feasible solution for America is to mine the oceans for resources in a ecological way protecting them and selling the raw wealth to the Asians. The South Korean President has now initiated this in advocating mining Siberia, even though his policy follows the doctrines which I published 20 years ago, it proves that under Franklin economics the United States can be a supplier to the warring states and thereby being too valuable to be attacked.

That should be the economic policy of the United States.

These mining interests would be free of all taxes as long as they invested those billions back into the United States instead of what is now advocated in investment in foreign lands to "keep us all in one mutual assured destructive mode". This combined policy will then make the United States a 1950's lender nation again instead of the massive debtor state.
The dollar can also be two stationed to a world dollar on trade scale and a domestic currency of high value backed by prestige and precious resources. Please understand that yes a gold standard is wonderful, but if one switched to this it would deflate all of your assets and send gold to the value of a billion dollars an ounce. That kind of nonsense would only make trillionaires out of the globalists and the Bolshevik Russians who are all at odds with the American Republic.
There are ways of fixing this which benefit America with sound solutions.

In this, once Americans prosper and are secure. Once America is producing, once America has no debt and other nations are in American debt who choose not to follow a sound economic system, then America like Ronald Reagan using wealth to topple the Soviet Union with not one nuclear missile fired can once again influence nations to protect American interests as they will be these nation's interests. There would not be any need for an Iraq war as Saddam would see he could only profit by dealing with America and America could then pressure for humane reforms and republican forms of government for responsible liberty for all peoples.

These are the basics of the current economic constriction in historical reference, current content and how it could all be lessened within one year and set the United States onto a passage for the next generation capable to afford it's own health costs, retirement and security.
Certainly moral situations are not solved by economic policy as that is the realm of faith in God directing virtue for peaceful communities, but the economic woes of America are completely solvable.

If the Second Coming does not happen before, then the wealth generated in the ocean mining phase can fund the exploitation of solar system wealth. The moons which inhabit Earth and Saturn are treasure troves of resources for generations to come.

The United States simply needs production policy and that solves all economic problems Americans face as history records. There does not need to be toppling of candidates, but candidates educated and willing to employ those citizens in government who understand how to govern prosperity for all who work.

Eastern Europe is prospering. It prospers because it is implementing the American System. Is it not past time that Americans demand their system back in it's pure form so all Americans can have their God given right to their dreams again.

Thank you for your time.

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