Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dirty Water, Gorilla Project and Herding the Herd

People with the deluge of stories seem to forget that the elitists who run the world also have hands on scientific data months before it is released to the general public.

Yesterdays "global warming" is soon outed by the New York Times as "climate change" after NASA was busted skewing climate data and the new data coming in was showing the sun has waned the past months for the worst winter in over 50 years hammering the United States.

I predicted on Newsbusters months ago when exposing that bio fuels do not raise food prices, but that it was George Soros' hedge fund monopoly driving up all commodity prices from oil to wheat that the cartels would soon switch from climate change as weapon to herd the masses to "food and clean water" as was the UN mandate.

By hook and crook, what shows up but "bottle water" stories in making people who drank it pariahs like smokers. Then comes the story attacking beef again which everyone had been sitting on for at least 3 months, including the "Humane Society". Great term there for a 100 million dollar holding company in assests which kills puppies and kitties by the bushels each year for profit.
In any event, the main event soon followed after food, beef and bottled water that now "America's water supply is all tainted with hormones and chemicals" to scare the public to enter the next phase of TAXING ALL CLEAN WATER WELLS in the United States as another way to destroy private property rights, ownership and fund the globalists.

No one is bothering to look at who gathered these samples in where their funding and allegiance rests. No one seems to be pointing out this Tavistock operation to criminalize water supply is right out of the Soylent Green water riots, because after all if Soros can drive oil to over 100 dollars a barrel and wheat to 25, he certainly can foist water to a premium of 5 dollars a gallon.

America has plenty of water and it is good water. Providing Minnesota companies like Ottertail Power will not be pumping out of South Dakota millions of gallons of clean well water to mix with coal soot or another cute little Texas company now running the people of Elk Point, South Dakota out in stealing Missouri River water by the billion gallons for "a new refinery" to refine or better pollute the entire Mississippi watershed in the cancerous way Louisiana was polluted.

It is past time America woke up. While Obama gets the attention, the globalists are in the process of depleting the last underground pristine water supply in America on the Great Plains and are about to flush cancer poisons from a new petro chemical industry all across the heartland of the United States.
Louisiana dumps itself into the ocean. Get the point people South Dakota dumps into Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Care to find out in 20 years how many million people are going to die like they did in cesspool Louisiana while everyone was "complaining tap water had chemicals in it".

The globalists put the chemicals into the water. The globalists knew which waters to examine and the globalists knew the process of herding Americans by killing off thee Americans in the central "now red state" corridor who are the last bastion of Christianity, Patriotism and free enterprise.

Do a little research on Hyperion, Gorilla Project, Ottertail Power Company and see what the globalists have really been up to when everyone else was bashing Bush or jumping on the Obama bandwagon as tap water hysteria spread.
These globalists are about to inject the kill shot poison into the heartland of the United States and no one has broken this story.


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