Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yeah New York Blame the Whore

Tuesday night David Letterman of the racist, bigoted, homophobe liberals
went off on Gov. Spitzer of New York for his buying a high priced whore
exclaiming, "Who runs this state".
Well someplace in there was "God" in Letterman's spew, but I will leave
blame for this in God's sake on who this belongs.


Who in this world voted for Spitzer, raised funds for him, but Letterman
and his ilk?
Who in this world turned a blind eye when Bill Clinton a known rapist
was assaulting women while Hillary who Letterman has not uttered one
peep about, was savaging these assaulted women as "bimbos"?
Who in this world but all those New York liberal trash are to blame for

Letterman blames Spitzer who he helps promote like Barack Obama.
New York now blames "the whore who brought Spitzer down".

Typical liberals creating a massive problem and then blaming the person
they victimized.
Who created all these tramp stamped, centerfold wanna bes, pierced, got
to be skinny to be on television and movies and got to screw the
director, lick some Ellen DeGeneres kitty to get a job in queerdom and
turn yourself into a whore for politicians, but Teddy Kennedy drowning
pregnant girls, John Kerry marrying rich women, Hillary Clinton treating
all women as whores and herself selling herself out and pimping her own
daughter and David Letterman's cocktail crowd terming all women whores
and giggling when ole Bill slaps around some Monica in the press.

Look in the mirror New York, look in the mirror David Letterman and if
you can't do that go to MySpace and see all the little whores you are
Look at your lesbian list of Rosie and Ellen in your promoting women to
be defined by sexual perversion as some kind of race.
Look at your Sodom and Gomorrah which you built when you let FDR slide
in having a mistress, when you let JFK slide in pimping women, when you
let Teddy Kennedy slide for murdering one, when you let John Kerry slide
in using women as bank deposits, when you let Bill Clinton rape women
and when you let Jerry Seinfeld molest a teenager as his girlfriend and
there sits Dave Letterman with his bastard kid using another woman in
his world.

Yeah blame the whore New York. One doesn't dare blame the pimps all
Democrats are in prostituting this entire American culture to whorehouse

You asked David Letterman who runs the government in New
York..........ask yourself Mr. Letterman in your cherry past and present
just who'd you vote for and how saintly your life is as you cast stones
at a liberal jerk just as perverted as you.

God's Day and may He clean up this cesspool!
