Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't Blame Obama's Kook Pastor

I see allot of people bashing, Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Barack Obama's
religion, but how can people blame him for being a kook when Charlie
Sheen has a high rated CBS comedy spewing the same things along with his
buddies record seller Elvis Costello and genital doll burner Sean Penn?

Just take a stroll around the internet sometime and you can read lists
of Alex Jones proclaiming the end of the free world every year if you
don't watch his films to one of the most hilarious things I have ever
heard in a long time on the Jeff Rense program.

After Webster Tarpley, a sort of leftist white guy sounding Truman
Capote was through speaking for blacks and stating Obama's policy should
be to bail out all blacks financially and a 5 year moratorium in paying
all debt as a way to help the economy.......yeah he said that with all
honesty in apparently not realizing it would end the economy of the
entire world.........

Up came Jim Marrs, a Texan telling American mothers that more of their
soldier heroes were dead than were being reported.
Rense came up with this peach of a follow up line shouting, "Yeah we
know four to five thousand troops died on the ground, BUT WE JUST CAN'T

Want to know where , Rev. Jeremiah Wright gets his kook 101 lessons
every day. Same place Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell get their weirdo
spewing. The cult of flowing anarchists who make very good wages selling
books about all these "facts they know but just can't prove".

Facts don't matter to these people no more than the kooks who are on
Huffington Post, Kos or Capitol Hill Blue. These people never bother to
research in actual burials by the US military in newspaper accounts
listing dead heroes, but always know more people are dead than
died........and never once in their off balanced diatribes considering
families of soldiers serving are very hurt by such vicious
attacks........but it never stops them. Jeff Rense was using anal raped
Jessica Lynch to beat George Bush with and Tex Marrs steps right up and
uses dead US soldiers to beat his drum to the bank.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright like all these people can trace their rants to John
Coleman of England, Eustis Mullins of America and various assorted know
it all from Bev Harris "in our elections are fraud" but vote in them
anyway to the shadow world of global communism which has been turning
this garbage out for years.

Coleman generated the original New World Order information and Mullins
generated the Rotschild Rockefeller banking cartels. The rest are just
building on those rants with more urgent nutty information...........and
from what I hear and read, in my emailing and posting, I know several
people in giving their work more "authoritative information" have been
stealing my work without credit.

It doesn't matter that America found and evacuated 1.77 tons of weapons
grade uranium in Iraq..........nope there was no WMD.

It doesn't matter that George W. Bush has been a very successful
President who Pat Robertson prophesied would win the elections and God
seems to be working for W..........nope Bush is an idiot as Marrs claims
or the next guest calls Bush a diabolical genius.

It doesn't matter that blacks grabbed the chains of welfare slavery,
sold their women to be whores and pimped dope on he street........nope
Jeremiah Wright blames white people as his kooks like Farrakhan keep
repeating the sensational lies to entice the audiences so they keep
giving funds.

That is what this is all about. This used to be handled by the local
sheriff whether in England or Texas. A loud mouth showed up stirring up
the locals with goofy tales which caused riots. The sheriff would then
simply bash a few people over the head, tell them to go home and then
clothe said huckster with tar and feathers with a warning a rope was the
next cure if he came back.

These alarmists are anarchists with a purpose as from it the gain power
just as certain as the Rockefeller order benefits from the continual
fighting going on in politics. The only difference is Jeremiah Wright
does it for blacks, Rense does it for low self esteem whites exactly
like the KKK or Democratic party appeals to and Rockefeller has Al Gore
out parading around on climate change.

I don't blame Jeremiah Wright, because when you have low self esteem and
Martin King and Jesse Jackson get all the attention and gravy, all you
have left is kooks as you build a big enough house to lure in Oprah and
Obama as the upper crust blacks like hearing it ain't their fault either
but the cracker.
So you pick you message to entice, toss away the Bible and come up with
the same message Catholics sowed all across the globe in regional
religions that built churches on Easter eggs and 8th day worship.

Hey though, we don't need the facts........because we just can't prove it.

That is mental disorientation. Mental disorientation is derangement and
looking that up one finds all of the above is the definition of insanity.

Yes the pigs are running the farm just as Orwell predicted and as we
look to the Rockefellers to the Wrights to the Rense's you can't tell
one kook from the other as they are all using the same methods, saying
the same things and telling us only they know what is
right...........but we don't need the facts as we know what is going on
but we just can't prove it.

If people are so willing to give money to crazy loons, please send a few
million my way as I might just deal in reality here with
facts........but at least I will go fishing on it, buy a few pounds of
steak to grill and take a nap afterward as my base is in Jesus and I
don't get worked up about the world in thinking I can save it.

I only get worked up over liars preying on the children of God.

Hence this blog.
