Monday, March 17, 2008

Fix the Financial System

The current dichotomy of finance which bears upon the United States and
world finance in a great portion reflects the birth of America under
Alexander Hamilton's Treasury.

Massive debt in spending, coupled with state debt, private hedge
speculation on payments and debt with a dual economy of wealthy and poor
and a struggling middle class all shackled by foreign manufacture and
only an agrarian finance sector promoting the nation are in mirror of
what America is facing today, with respect to Hamilton's National Bank.

Today's National Bank are banks run by a monopoly few of foreign and
their domestic patrons in a sort of Dutch upper New York patroons who
owned the land in perpetual servitude of the masses who were left of
farm it. Currently, Rothschild's and Warburgs with the overlord
Rockefeller, Morgan etc.... process the incomes of the tenant Americans
in shearing them of wealth by debt.

Hamilton's as well as the Bank of England's debt structure was the crux
of this national monetary system and debt is how the entire system
operated in floating loans to an expansive government and economy via
bonds. This system has proven to work, but only when key measures are in
place to fund the system of usury.
This system requires production of real wealth in grains, mining,
technology harnessed to manufacturing and merchants selling a greater
value commodity. America now does not have that manufacturing and is
shackled by not producing the energy, but importing it.
Furthermore, the precious metals standard is mandatory in this system as
it keeps the monetary system sound and does not degrade into inflation
to pay off debt as President Washington scolded Rhode Island in doing
with it's war debt after independence where poor people become unable to
rise about the cost of living.

In many ways, America resembles the West Indies which Alexander Hamilton
departed. An elite controlling all wealth, an overworked middle class
impoverished and masses of people who were then slaves looking to the
government for all their needs and in perpetual distress as there never
was enough money to fulfill those needs.

One can often find Allen Greenspan complaining about the people who took
over this system as having botched it. It is obvious fact that Mr.
Greenspan was part of this entire motion of inflationary economics and
it's botched system which rewards the people who print money with no
system of checks and balances.

This is key and vital in any Republican form of government while
commentators toss about "democracy" as some utopian word. As it was
stated, one could have had a nation of Plutarch's in Athens and still
had nothing but mob rule in democracy. Such is the case now in American
socialize democracy which has supplanted responsible individual liberty
as much as inflation has replaced responsible banking.

Responsible banking is the key to this. There will always be speculators
ginning the system as there was in war debt at our nation's founding.
George Soros working for the Europeans ginning oil and food prices for
massive profit can only be an offshoot of this system without
Congressional, Executive and Judicial checks and balances on the
American Federal Reserve.

Mr. Hamilton's feature was a national bank which was on charter. A
modern charter system would indeed bring this system of finance into
line as charters would not be renewed if disasters like America has been
led into in which the citizens were the focal point of prosperity
through work and industry was not the mandate. This should be Congress's
check and it has dropped the ball on the Federal Reserve owners.

The Executive must in these charters exactly replicate the Supreme Court
in after 20 years replace after audits showing inflationary finance the
stewardship of American finance with those who understand the system is
meant for the benefit of the individual citizen to create a life they
can afford and not be dependent upon government communal handouts.

The Judicial is the final check for when monetary policy is so ludicrous
as it has become in hedge operators attacking the system, certain
Americans operating against the dollar of their own nation and specific
Federal Reserve holders are shown impoverishing the nation for globalist
measures, then prison is the teeth to the system after a speedy trial.

As Alexander Hamilton correctly advocated before the United States
Congress a banking system to benefit the entire working nation, it is
past time that the United States Congress issues a 2 year mandate that
the people who have created this dead weight of debt on America have
that time to clean up the system they are profiting from, 2 years to
show definite turn around in output and growth of real wealth and 2
years to show a real standard of living rise for the working American
majority not through inflation but real dollar wealth in a sound United
States currency or these people will be tried and sent to prison.

Paul Wolfowitz attempted a check and balance in the World Bank where
poor citizens would receive funds instead of dictators pilfering
billions which then ended up deposited in European banks for their
profit. Those same billions coming out of American taxpayer revenues,
but he was shown the door all because he did not have a mandate by
Congress to start throwing robber barons into prison.

It is obvious that no one is going to go to prison in this as the
banking cartels of the world have some of thee most clever and
intelligent people ever created. The mere knowledge that they are going
to have to operate their fiefdoms for more people than their own
families or face prison will clean this entire situation up in 1 year's

Ronald Reagan effectively without full support from the financiers
cleaned up the Jimmy Carter stagflation disaster brought on by these
same financiers who removed the standing of the dollar, inflated prices
in a unbalance of trade and removed industries to other nations. It took
President Reagan 2 years on his own to improve things which lasted until
Bill Clinton's retroactive taxes destroyed the growth cycle. Reagan was
one man and the dozens in finance can reverse this if mandated to in 1 year.

Economics are not that difficult. It is simply a matter of checks and
balances with rewards and penalties. Reward the good virtue in helping
all people as robber barons help themselves and penalize bad behavior
when they start shearing the sheep 12 months a year.

God didn't make people to be sheep and sheared. God created America
where responsible liberty could fuel worldwide economics to uplift
financially all of mankind.

The American System is not broken. It just has had legal theft
implemented into it. Stop the theft and the entire world will prosper.
The financiers are adult enough to comprehend all of this and completely
capable enough if made to to work their globalist system of profit which
does not shear the western world, but benefits it's citizens first as
the free citizen will protect the financier aiding them.
The financiers have not had to accomplish this since 1962 and a short
time under Ronald Reagan. Make them accomplish this and hold them
accountable and in 12 months people will wonder what the problem was and
in 5 years America will be a lender nation instead of a debtor nation.

Instill rewards that make more money from lending to other states
instead of impoverishing America and making money from that debt and the
financiers will do it immediately.

As people in 1780 could accomplish this in an American wilderness, it is
a simple task with the America they built now.