Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dr. Strangecain, Dr. Strangechin, Dr. Strangeladen, Dr. Strangeputin, Your nuclear order is waiting

In reading the "stories" placed in the American media, a certain trend
has developed. The elementary thought will think that a nuke being sent
from North Dakota is some "grande neocon plot", the revelation that
nuclear bomb parts showed up in Taiwan for months is thought by Rush
Limbaugh to send a message to the Chicoms to keep hands off and Robert
Gates "doing a nuclear inventory" only brings Martin Sheen whining by
anarchists of "neocons" are out of control.

The fact is though that although these are American stories these
stories are not about what is occurring in America, but the fact that
American intelligence has picked up definite, positive, factual
information that there is a plot to attack the United States using
nuclear weapons with the original 9 11 players of Putin's FSB and GRU
intelligence providing logistics, the Chinese communists providing
transportation and the shadowy Islamocommunist of al Qaeda, Zawahiri
buying the traceable nuclear material so the blame comes back on
Islamofascist bin Laden for the American retaliation in the Pushtan of
President Bush has made things very uncomfortable for all of the above
with the mafia financiers of Europe in leveraging the "west" into a
leading position again. Zawahiri releasing audio tapes means he is on
the run again and not capable of releasing video as the western
intelligence is that close in assassinating him.

All of this leads back to the only option the above culprits can
assemble and that is a staged nuclear terrorist attack upon America.

This is the reason for the stories about a nuclear weapon disappearing,
nuclear parts ending up in Taiwan and now Sec. Gates doing a nuclear
inventory. Yes Limbaugh and company were correct in the first layer of
why this is happening, but in the deeper layer the stage has been set
for when "Russia misplaces a nuclear warhead and it ends up in America"
that the same "terrorists" will find that "misplaced" nuclear parts will
make nuclear bombs with Asian material to blow up in Russia, China and
in the Middle East.........of course the Middle Eastern bomb will be an
"accident" in the terrorists blowing themselves up.

This is the high stakes game which is being revealed in the media. It is
the failsafe of President Bush telling the enemies of the United States
that if you hit America under the cover of terrorism again that the same
terrorists this time will detonate nuclear bombs in your cities giving
you the same trillion dollar clean up with Chernobyl side effects for 50

President Putin of Russia started this nuclear war when he assassinated
a British subject using Polonium 210. This axis of communists has now
been pushed back by western governments and they have reverted to
"Clinton era" strategy, but the Bush Administration is not about to
allow a replay of loose nuclear warheads in America as were stopped after
9 11.
President Bush has told the world just as he informed the bin Laden
group after 9 11, "You nuke New York, Medina and Mecca disappear". This
time he has told the world that, "You nuke American cities with planted
bombs and your cities are going to be nuked by the same "terrorists"."

This is why the nuclear stories are showing up in laying a cover of
deniability if Putin's nuclear war starts using bombs.
If the Russians, Chinese, European financiers and Islamocommunists put
their nuclear toys away, then all these "accidental" shippings will stop
and the Gates story on inventories will simply fade without mention. If
these thugs do not get the message though, a "missing" armament of
foreign or stolen American warheads will be hinted at.
If that story comes out, then the clock is ticking for a nuclear 9 11 in
not a planned attack, but an attack which is in the process of being

From the staging of the stories, it appears that this has been an
operational plan from the axis for 3 months in they have the bombs. The
continued "hints" mean that the behind the scenes warnings did not stop
the shipping transfer by the communist Chinese.
Sec. Gates looking at US inventories means the United States is in the
process of pre positioning retaliatory nuclear bombs.

Perhaps the choking off of cereal and rice grains to China with the
Tibet action will convince the Chinese to divert shipment completion and
put this back into the witch's brew this cauldron was initiated in.
Time will tell, but it is also time while President Bush needs to be
reminded he is an American that these anarchist attacks upon him and the
political process on the right and left must stop for the good of the

The situation has become critical and for the good of the United States
Americans must start behaving as Americans and not envious profiteers
leveraging for power.

God bless America.

agtG 226; 266