Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mocked and Ignored

Sometimes in life even I get thin skinned as a titan of God's inspiration dealing with ants crawling about the picnic who mock me like the bloggers of Newsbusters were doing in educating them on events they could not fathom and how the good buddies of Rush Limbaugh, Newsbuster's editors, ignored my emails pointing out what was being planned concerning Al Gore and other political situations.
I don't want to leave this as one sleeping dog of "Conservatives", because I have told Bob Novak and Michele Malkin which end is up too.........along with the anarchists of Jeff Rense, Devvy Kidd and Steve Quayle for which I received snotty replies.
Then there was the left which banned me from their sites like Huffington or Jihad Watch to the Boston Globe which went silent.

Lowell Ponte alerted me first to the Gore possibility last year and in investigating God's inspiration last year I saw Hillary and Bill Clinton taking dives to loose this as punishment for selling Asian uranium to American enemies from cartel stores which is just not done.
This has all been built upon and expanded, and, of course other enlightenments I see being stolen by various egomaniacs.

So pardon my calling attention to this about Al Gore in The London Telegraph, following a Florida Congressman preparing the public for it along with shill Joe Klein.

Al Gore has been working on this with his cartel benefactors for years. He demanded he be begged to run and be drafted to overcome his humiliation of Florida. All of this is by design and for those looking to Obama and Clinton.......don't bother, because they have already lost. Hillary is only in this now to get a Supreme Court nomination.

Pay attention to the man behind the curtain, because the Wizard of Oz screen is not where it is happening.

Senior Democrats Mull Al  Gore Nomination

By Tim Shipman in Washington
Last Updated: 2:02am BST 31/03/2008

Plans for Al Gore to take the Democratic presidential nomination as the saviour of a bitterly divided party are being actively discussed by senior figures and aides to the former vice-president.

The bloody civil war between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has left many Democrats convinced that neither can deliver a knockout blow to the other and that both have been so damaged that they risk losing November's election to the Republican nominee, John McCain.

Former Gore aides now believe he could emerge as a compromise candidate acceptable to both camps at the party's convention in Denver during the last week of August.

Two former Gore campaign officials have told The Sunday Telegraph that a scenario first mapped out by members of Mr Gore's inner circle last May now has a sporting chance of coming true.

Mr Gore, who was Bill Clinton's vice-president and has since won a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his work on green issues, remains an influential figure eight years after he beat George W Bush in the popular vote but lost the White House after the Florida recount fiasco.

The opening has emerged because opinion polls show Mr McCain stretching his lead over both Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton, whose campaigns are engaged in a daily cycle of attacks, character assassination and mutual recriminations on religion, race and the economy.

Between a quarter and a third of Obama and Clinton supporters say that they would not now vote for the other in November.

The prospect of a new Gore candidacy was raised last week in Time magazine by Joe Klein, the doyen of American political writers, and discussed on the main cable news networks, CNN, Fox and MSNBC.

If neither Mr Obama nor Mrs Clinton has the 2,025 delegates needed to win the nomination, and if both appear unable to beat Mr McCain, under one scenario a group of about 100 party elders - the "super-delegates" - could sit out the first ballot in Denver, preventing either candidate winning outright, and then offer Mr Gore the nomination for the good of the party.

Tim Mahoney, a Democrat congressman from Florida, said last week: "If it goes into the convention, don't be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket." This suggests the party would accept a Gore-Clinton or a Gore-Obama pairing.

Following a brief flurry of speculation that he might jump into the race last year, Mr Gore claimed he had "fallen out of love" with politics, but he has pointedly refused to rule out another tilt at the White House and said that the only job in public life that interests him is the presidency.