Friday, March 21, 2008

The Opportunity of Knocking

Perhaps it is a human condition without the inspiration of God's Holy
Spirit, but it honestly baffles me the way modern thought processes now
conduct themselves.

In looking back at my life, I had always been taught that one overcame
any obstacle because there was no other choice. In poverty, one could
not call on others to fix things. One simply was required to find a way
to fix the problem whether it was a sick animal or a broken tractor.
There was never a thought of accepting the status quo.

As a teenager, my first example of a man "Thinking out of the box" was
Ronald Reagan. For 20 years, the most brilliant minds had said mutually
assured destruction from Soviet nukes was the policy and Reagan said,
"That is crazy", and found ways to limit weapons, attack the Soviet
Empire with finance and morals and Star Wars which America all succeeded at.

Today we have the same problems in America which faces this nation at
it's birth. The same democrats in passion and reaction are attacking the
same Federalists in the epic struggle over debt, war, banking and
responsible liberty.........but yet I see no one standing up attempting
to rectify the situation. There is only profane blaming and more
nonsense of pouring water down dry wells.

I have written and posted extensively in how to remedy the ills of
America and will not repeat them here. For the purpose of this article
is simple in informing Americans that bad things are not bad things
unless you let them stay around and destroy you.
Bad things are the most wonderful of God's gifts in moving people to the
ultimate advancement.

If Catholics were not burning and butchering Christians, there never
would have been an America in Plymouth or Jamestown as people would not
have been looking for a better deal.

If those socialists had not starved that first year and been enslaved to
debt, they would not have tossed off communism "of all for one" and
entered into American capitalism which created an economic engine which
fueled the world by God's grace.

See there are always things going wrong in a sheep pasture. The stupid
sheep die and a stronger breed lives on........that stronger breed is
Granted our people have been deliberately dumbed down, but they are
still the most adept at hiding money from the IRS, figuring out how to
survive on feudal wages and still scaring the hell out of the government
so it will not install a dictatorship it so desires.

That is an American and this American in all of this situation which
America faces only sees wonderful opportunity, advancement and a
trouncing of our enemies. I champ at the bit and say, "Here am I send
me send me!!!!", God allows me to see the solutions so very clear. In
all of this, the simple correct Alexander Hamilton philosophy with a
hint of Madison is all that is needed to turn this around so America
will be the nation secure and rich as the world crumbles around it in
the Great Tribulation.

I see vast wealth, opportunity, advancement and very good lives for our
citizens in all of this if the leadership would only implement the
checks and balances of the founding policy and then get out of the way.
I will repeat this again. America never has had a leader which Americans
followed or listened to. The best leaders in Washington, Hamilton,
Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln,Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan
only opened the gate and ran far enough ahead of where an entire
energetic nation was going that they looked like successful leaders.
A successful American leader only gets out in front of the direction the
nation is surging toward.

All this will take is Democrats to be told they are not going to get tax
money anymore to stay in power and Republicans being told they are not
going to employ border busters to build their fortunes a
way that penalties are a part of the mathematics and voila the America
floodgate will surge to a greater tomorrow for God's glory.

Americans are waiting for the gun shot to start this race. They were
promised it under Ronald Reagan, but had the door slammed shut
again........they are champing to be let free and all it is going to
take is let these people free to produce and American finance and
security problems will disappear in a year.

Morals of course require God, but appealing to virtue gains virtue even
in the most doldrum of souls to practice virtue and Americans practice
that very well too.

Opportunity is knocking like never before in our nation. God give us a
Hamilton to guide this nation as Moses of His Will.

I do not see the Tribulation as horrid at all. I see it as the American
time of birth when as in the Revolution we were born the United States,
in the Civil War we became a United States and in what is besetting upon
us we will become Thee United States in God's creation.

God bless us to His purpose as I nothing but opportunity for success as
the our shining light on a hill becomes brighter as the sheep of the
world bleat under darkening clouds.