Saturday, March 22, 2008

1 in 5

It is extremely amusing to watch the communist and socialist party in
America reveal what racists and bigots they are..........that party is
the Democratic Party.

Lowell Ponte last summer wrote an extensive piece on how the election
could come down to it being Fred Thompson and another Tennesseean
drafted in Al Gore.
I examined Ponte and he was correct, although like me too pie in the sky
for any Conservative who looked like Ronald Reagan in Thompson.

In researching this, not as much as the globalist Rockefellers and Gore
who set this up, I have been castigated on sites like Newsbusters for
speaking of the banking cartels which push all is though
proving correct as these manipulators know the people they are manipulating.

Today, a news headline blared that 1 in 5 Democrats will not vote for
either Hillary or Obama if the other gets the nomination.

In political numbers, I have been stating that John McCain at 49 percent
to either Obama or Hillary at 42 percent, if he were to put Lynn Cheney
on the ticket who would draw in the kook feminist and homosexual vote
who would "only vote for one of their own" of 5% would translate to 54%
McCain to a 37% for any Democrat.
If one adds a 20% addition of the 1 in 5 Democrats who will not vote for
a female critter like Hillary or a "boy" in their racist eyes like
Obama, the Democrats if John Strangecain does not stumble could be
looking at a ruinous defeat worse than old communist George McGovern's
loss to Richard Nixon.
74% McCain to a 17% Hillobama really is a motivation for the Democrats
at their convention to bring in the long touted savior whom I have been
writing about in Al Gore with his globalist buddy Mike Bloomberg, the
spend and carbon tax duo for world government.

This is why President Bush has been speaking confidently in keeping the
White House. He knows the numbers which no one is speaking about
publically and Democrats are about to get a rude understanding of
divided they fall and together in a Obamaton ticket they will savage
each other to shreds.
The people who are for Obama do not just hate Hillary, they loathe her
to fury as much as George Bush. The same is true for the Hillary
supports who are quite the racists in not ever wanting "one of those"
leading them.
This marriage of power worked just fine for Democrats as long as women
were butchering babies in their place and blacks were standing at the
door for money scraps. An entire new dimension has exploded for these
bigots and racists in this election. They will not be led by anyone
other than a white guy.

So Democrats have a choice for keeping a disaster which is going to have
them loose Congress and a great deal of the state government races and
voting for the white guy they prefer in John McCain or they can trash
the lot and put in their favorite greedy globe polluting liberal in Al
Gore who now speaks not of global warming but "climate change" to soothe
the savage breast of a party looking for a national nipple to suck and a
daddy to abandon them like their divorced parents did.

Can Al Gore save the disunion of the communists and socialists? As I
blogged before, yes he can as John McCain is quite vulnerable not on sex
issues as that only makes him more appealing to swooning women, but on
his temper and acting nuts at times.
Americans will vote for a vampire looking Al Gore over Dr. Strangecain
every time when the issue will be McCain will launch all of American
nukes in a temper tantrum compared to Al Gore just launching a few into
the Pashtun to make liberals feel good about being macho........but not
nutty macho.

That is why Lynn Cheney was key in the McCain choice for Vice President
as she would bring in the 5% votes from the Democrats who would be sore
over Hillary being gone and Obama being gone, as Condi Rice is stating
she is not interested in living across from the White House.

As stated the choices in this are a liberal in John McCain, a socialist
in Hillary Clinton, a communist in Barack Obama and a world dictator in
Big Brother Igor Al Gore.

John McCain will nuke nations to secure American interests in being
short tempered enough to not want a long war. Hillary Clinton in PMS
rage will nuke selective brown people to show them mammy is boss. Barack
Obama will nuke selective brown people to show he is not weak and Al
Gore will allow the Jews to nuke whoever he wants nuked so they get
blamed and he can wheeze about being for peace.

Considering those choices. John McCain is the only logical one as
American interest, instead of PMS, race or intrigue should be the
deciding factor in the contest.

As Abraham Lincoln once stated, "Americans should smother their envy and
dislike for each other and reserve their hatred for other nations".
When dealing with Americans, that policy does seem to operate as the
most uniting policy in having a 4000 dead in a Muslim war is preferable
to a 1,000,000 dead in another Civil War.