Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who are the Barbarians

With the Royal College of Physicians in Great Britain coming out with
another study showing that aborticide actually harms women
psychologically more than if they carried a baby full term, the question
must be blared to the rooftops of the world in this modern liberalism,
just who are the barbarians?

I was astounded in reading the report by the Royal College which had
"doctors" telling women it was better to butcher children than as having
babies was stressful when they knew very well that aborticide procedures
were causing trauma to women. They though in the balance deemed having a
baby the worse evil, so off with the junior's head.

This is pure barbarism, but it runs a complete course in this liberalism
which runs from Keynesian dis economics to the Mead/Sanger/Kinsey
butchery of "planned aborticide parenthood" which the Rockefellers fund.
Canadian studies were showing that women using the morning after poison
in babies were actually being poisoned themselves.
Further British studies showed having aborticide procedures caused an
increase in breast cancer.

American studies have hushed up thee fact that causing trauma to the
womb in aborticide actually caused the womb to be incapable of carrying
full term pregnancies.
Want to know why so many preemies are costing a billion dollars now in
hospital stays? Aborticide is the answer.

Harm the womb once and it forever remembers and attempts to self abort
children as it knows it is a scarred area incapable of carrying full
term life.

If one looks at these same "doctors", you will find like their elitist
liberal backers all were against the Iraq liberation too.

Think about that in literal aborticide terms.

It was evil to take a tumor of Saddam murdering millions of Iraqi
citizens from the womb of Iraq by Dr. George W. Bush, but it is
championed by doctors to go into healthy wombs and scald, poison and rip
apart children by the millions.

If one is a liberal, that all makes perfect sense. If one has normal
reasoning that all sounds kook.

It sounds kook, because it is kook to practice infanticide. Just look at
how these lunatic savages have tried now to fix this. In America they
import Spanish speaking Catholic cultured Latinos to fill the baby void
and in England they import Muslim Arabic speaking Pakistanis to fill the
baby void.
It is one thing to import Roman Catholics of European mindset into
America as they assimilate. It is a complete another thing to import 3rd
world rioters who think raping women is cultural. The same holds true
with Muslims thinking women are cattle and planes are made for terrorism.

Ponder that liberalism. These kooks of the left murdered our children
and then their fix is importing slave labor which is empowered with an
anarchist vote.
They have now progressed from infanticide to national suicide.

It runs the entire gambit to the homocide these liberals advocate in
telling sodomites it is acceptable they act out further reinforcing a
psychopathy harming them. What kind of barbarism is it to tell people to
define themselves by a sexual act which is going to kill them by disease
or will spiral them down to suicidal outcomes.
As Bill Bennett stated years ago, "Psychiatrist's offices are not filled
with straight people begging to be cured. It is the homosexual person
pouring in their money begging for a cure".

Yet these same liberals butchering babies are telling homosexuals to go
kill themselves too.

A civilized nation can not survive if it is butchering it's offspring
and turning it's women in emotional wrecks. A civilized nation can not
survive if people are told to define themselves by sexual acts which are
destroying itself. A civilized nation can not survive if every outcome
of "progressive liberalism" ends up with people dead.

Dead people are the result of barbarism.

It is past time that civilized people exposed these ill informed
barbarians running our medical, educational, religious and governmental
The American mandate is the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" and
not, "death, debauchery and the pursuit of misery".

The last is what the west has had foisted upon it by the worst
sociopathic anarchists ever formed as they tore down the Judeo Christian
ethic formed in English Common Law and American Constitutional
Republicanism and made a secular socio mob democracy.

That is barbarism in it's vilest form.
