Thursday, April 24, 2008

America: The Josephite Tribe

This is the 3rd time I have tried to publish this blog, but Google is not publishing.

I was reading a news story tonight of some "new" Jesus bashing where the blasphemy is now Mary was raped by a Roman soldier and that is how Jesus of Nazareth came into being.

As someone who knows Jesus, not as well as I do the Holy Spirit of God, but someone who knows that here am I not in the league of Jesus as He has been carrying me my entire life, I always recoil at people saying these literally damned things, because there should be in a human something that makes one cringe in that soulful voice all normal people have which stops them and says, "This is not a good thing".........and yet I see women wearing crosses non stop in nudie pictures.......and I wonder to a time of summer by a lake where pop was a dime a bottle and that same dime bought you enough candy to make you ill.

No, here am I not from the stone ages, but I did grow up repulsed in my childhood at the reprehensible behavior of the 60's never understanding the hatred for America and the oddity of racism that was such a big issue.

I do not want to leave the impression that America was some utopia for she never has been a utopia. This is a land of murder, rape, theft, enslavement and genocide against white people from the first days they set foot here.
The malevolent political headlines today are nothing different than the pure hate coming out of the late 1700's when Federalists under Hamilton were in death match of character assassination with Jefferson Republicans. If you want to talk plotting and nasty, Thomas Jefferson for all his good qualities was one of the pure venom crowd.

If you read of Washington, DC during the Civil War you can find it was the whore capital of the world where immorality was a plague to adultery accosting the few people who had morals.

In that America has been of pendulum nature swinging to salvation and back to hedonism..............I want you to ask though why is it America is falling flat now and it actually was building before?

The answer was related by a Herbert W. Armstrong of the now defunct Worldwide Church of God almost 30 years ago. It was about the Biblical promises of God and not about America being better than anyone else.

That is what people refuse to deal with in a synopsis of God divorced Israel as Jeremiah records due to sin. He though promised to kill, exile and scatter these 10 tribes.........He also promised to sift the remnant and not loose one person of them after their identity was gone.
One tribe was the half tribe of Joseph in the oldest son, Mannaseh. God Himself would lay the basis of this tribes inheritance. The Holy Spirit speaking through Moses and Jacob would reveal other blessing in Mannaseh would one day become the greatest nation on earth, a colonized people in a vine which runneth over the wall and Mannaseh would break free from his brother Ephraim who was to become the greatest commonwealth of nations in the world.

There is a hidden fact in Francis Parkman's history, the greatest historian America ever produced as he found that in Germany entire villages simply packed up and moved to America while other "Germans" in another village remained.
This process was repeated in God giving incentives of war to famine in giving up people though to be Irish, Italian, French, German, Swede, Norwegian, Russian, but all who traced their Indo European language roots exactly to the bloodlines of a people called by the names Cimmerans and Khumri in slang after their Samarian homeland and their last great king, Omri.
God scattered and hid these people and reassembled them in the United States in one of the most remarkable feats ever accomplished.
Certainly blacks and Chinese are not original bloodlines, but God's law handles that too in once a person takes on the character of "His people", they are as Israelite as Ruth of Moab marrying into King David's family.

God had a purpose in America in building her, because He promised Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph distinct blessings upon all the tribes, but upon Mannaseh specifically.
That is why founded in God the first Americans were speaking strange things like New Jerusalem and the New Israel. They knew what God was doing and they were a part of, but as sin contaminated America God's Truth became hidden and only a select few searching were aware of His purpose.
Blessing would come, because God had to fulfill the Word He had spoken.

The vast wilderness was not tamed by Americans, but by God providing a hedge around Americans to accomplish the impossible against famine, flood, pestilence, murder, genocide, disaster upon disaster and war.

The reason is beyond American sin as God will not bless that in our struggles now, but it is because God has accomplished what He promised to the fathers of our tribe and He is now only doing that which is necessary to maintain America for the purpose He intends in the next years.
Jews are quite deluded in thinking they are the apple of God's eye when God only has them in Judea ignorantly calling themselves Israel for the purpose that Jews must hold title to the land so the 3rd Temple can be built.
Americans are deluded into thinking this is all about them. It is as it has always been, always been about God entirely.

Certainly a mob of demons is following this up as God is not extolling great effort as He did in our formitive years.........and if being imperfect as this person is I recoil at the sodomite, lesbian, pedophile, aborticide, debauchery and blasphemy........God sees it millions of more times a day and He is already convinced that America is no different than the baby butchering hedonists He divorced in our fathers centuries ago.
Over 6 million babies around His throne from aborticide is a national sinful reminder He will require for.

God made allot of promises and Deuteronomy 28 also includes beyond the blessings, the cursings against the Israelites when they sinned.
Not having enough, people sexing your spouse, aliens owning your nation and you enslaved to them.........sound allot familiar in what America is harvesting today?

In vanity, Americans have always been to ready to think this is about us in we being special.........Americans are only special, because the dues paid by Jesus, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
It is tough facing these facts, but it does need to be said and reminded to people. Yes it will be all sorted out, but people will not like the sorting and until Jesus wields His sword as Lord and Master as thee Governor of America in His coming it will not be fixed proper.

In that, Americans should not be so caught up in thinking our Presidents are epitome of leadership for there is True and Native Son who will rake for it if we withhold it in our hearts from Him just like the line from Henry V.
England of the Saxon's or Isaac's Sons holds the Sceptre as our brother in the Throne Jesus will acquire as David's as it has passed through in being transplanted from Judah to heal the breach. America though holds the blessing which Jesus will require of us.

It is about God and always has been as He plainly explained all of this in the Bible. It is due time that Americans start practicing that reality.

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