Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Danger of Google

It would do well for the owners of Google to do something which Bill Gates, Steven Jobs and other assorted over night billionaires to consider just like blacks in Africa have found out in ruining the colonial success they were turned over to.........and that is you are not as intelligent, experienced and pure as you conclude and require guidance from clergy from established religions whose main drive is Truth, Honesty, Morality and Consideration.

I point out Google on Veteran's Day repulsively by their Chinese resident artist using pith helmets of the regimes which murdered US Soldiers as their "art of the day". That is beyond disgusting and shows ignorance, bias and pure adulterated leftism as abhorent as anything coming out of al Qaeda, the KKK or Jeremiah Wright's religion.
Google's people have no moral foundation nor understanding in dealing with gratitude for dead Americans who gave all from dying from a grizzly eating them while panning for gold in the Black Hills to the unmarked grave of the teamster kicked in the head by a mule.

When one gains instant money and power, one all of a sudden takes on world attributes and starts slamming the American ideal as old school. They start cooperating with Chinese thugs butchering babies, carving out organs from prisoners and beating the hell out of Tibetans. That kind of blood on Google's hands is an international crime..........heinous like their resident artist who needs sensitivity training as his secular paganism is on display far too often in literal definition of hate crimes.
It doesn't matter if you are smiling doing it.........bigotry, ignorance, hatred, racism and Ameriphobia is still pure evil and springs to other processes.

Google decides it can spy on all of it's users. Google decides it can sign contracts for information from intelligence agencies. Google decides this is all profit.............what happens though when China demands tracking information on bloggers not in China, but in America?
What happens when it is the FSB of Russia which threatens Google for information on people in Georgia?
What happens when it is Google employees committing crimes and couched in Google?

Pith helmets start revealing that the owners of Google just are not ready for the big leagues yet and need moral direction.

Bill Gates sadly was extorted by the Clinton regime and the EU for money. His sign off deal was with that global nation raper, Warren Buffet, to fund a "foundation" where Gates gives away all he has..............while Buffet earns more.
Bill you aren't as smart as you conclude.

Google might consider it the monster in control now, but the day will come when a new webcrawler wipes them out and all the people that are protecting them now will all of a sudden be international hearings on "illegal information gathering" and the billion dollar boys will be penny ante loosers sitting in some off shore prison, because they didn't back the American side who fathered them and nurtured them into being.

Google is part of the censtortate incorporating the world. The day will come when the world turns on Google and the honest people who have been censored and attacked by Google are not going to lift one finger to save them.

Want to know what lonely is Google Boys? Be in a world where your own nation abandons you as you abandoned Constitution, Patriotism, God and Americanism and all you are left with is all those foreign speaking judges who don't speak English, because you were part of the mob which helped destroy your nativity, shelter and your home..............America.

Try being American, Google Boys and stop being a danger as you are not bright enough to know you are one.
