Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bill Clinton, No it is not Syphilis Insanity

In knowing Bill Clinton's past one might conclude that his rages as of
late are due to late stage syphilis insanity which used to be part of
the bad old days of Al Capone catching this sex disease and it actually
drove people blind and insane........yes Virginia sex was always unsafe
and still is unsafe no matter what Dr. George sodomite Michael conveys
in condom testimony on Eli Stone on ABC prime time.

Syphilis though is curable with antibiotics even if some mutant strains
are resistant to pills, pennicillin will still make one virgin clean
again at least in Bill Clinton body.

So the psychopathy plaguing boy Clinton is much younger than Arkansas
hotels with brother Roger and stems from even beyond acting to the real
Bill Clinton.

Children abandoned in divorce or cast off as many are now develop a
syndrome in which they fuse at the young age they receive the emotional
trauma. For William Jefferson Rockefeller Blythe Clinton not having a
daddy, but a drunk and a mother who would be mistaken for a New Orleans
prostitute gave young Willy a complex of all people are not human except
me and a huge burning fury that pops out when the correct buttons are

In boy Clinton's world, his over achievement in being a trailer trash
couch potato is what defined him. Bill never did actually achieve
anything. He had things handed to him, raped a few women and as his
connections allowed him to Kennedy sweep reality away........Governor of
bimbos and President of blow jobs were his final place that the
abandoned child finally was somebody no matter if he was attempting
political suicide every day to end the chirade.

The real problem for Bill was the day he grew up. Actually George
Herbert Walker Bush is to blame for this current problem of furious Bill
as Bush 41 took Bill under his wing and actually was the first male
father figure he had.
Bill finding this security actually grew to a man who stopped attacking
women, even if he could not stop sexing them. He finally had tapped into
his bribery millions by his fake speaking engagements overseas which had
the IRS not being able to see the money removed from European banks as
it is was free oversea speaking engagement money tax free.

Bill Clinton was finally a man, a rich man, a man sexing women, a man
who was an international mover and shaker.

That is where Bill's problems came about as a New York Times story broke
this past winter in Bill took a trip with a Canadian and sewed up all
the uranium mining rights in Kazhakistan and sold them to the communist
Chinese and other terror states for millions of dollars.
Boy Clinton thinking he was now a man forgot that his political daddy of
the Rothschild and Rockefeller financier cartel actually ran the show in
this world and even if you are a relative you just do not go in and take
resources they intend to plunder.

This brought out the Rockefeller fangs in which Hillary was told they
would get her off on money fraud charges in dropping them, but they
would make an offer she could not refuse.
Hillary would throw the election or her lesbian sex tapes would surface,
Bill's sex tapes would surface and all that dirty political money would
surface and they could be in prison for their legacy.
Humiliation is the extreme payback in eugenics crowds and Hillary and
Bill loosing to a black guy of all things really uncorked Bill.

Sure he was mugging for the camera acting insane, but the part was too
close to the real boy Clinton and as he played the role Bill became the
insane mind he always has been in his purple rages tackling Dick Morris
in his office or raping a nurse in Arkansas.
So when a delegate mentions Bill Richardson, a brown skinned hispanic
that Bill dragged out of nowhere to make him a real macho
mano.........well Bill is not going to react like an adult, but the
little boy being betrayed is going to explode on the surface in a
tyrade making all the Democrats once again wonder if this cookie has all
the oreos at home or if he is missing the creamy center of a functional

Bill's meltdown is not about Hillary loosing as he never wanted this
woman in power and his being stuck acting as First Billary for 8 years.
The Clinton's in being humiliated have signed off on a deal that they
bring down Obama so Al Gore will be drafted into the nomination lead as
was always the globalist's agenda that Hillary will be nominated to the
Supreme Court and Bill can be off doing whatever viagra can still
accomplish in a male with nothing but waiting for the clock to run out.

Bill though was on a playground being 5 years old again in his latest
blow up and was looking at that minority kid he shared his lunch with
having the audacity to pick a .........a black kid as a
friend........when that Richardson owed him big time in just getting on
the playground.

So it is not a sexual disease causing Bill Clinton's lunacy, but the
Bill he has always been without the dope of the mainstream media
medicating him. This is the Bill who has always been.

If one wants to see the Hillary, who people seem to have forgotten in
incinerated children in Waco, dead Vince Foster, lying about being a
commando in Bosnia and communist health only needs to
visit that PMS President of Venezuela who in 3 months in office has:

House arrested the US ambassador to Venezuela on gossip she is a crook
which he never stated.

Vilified her own farmers who did not like the idea of most of their
money is going to be stolen in taxes by madame PMS.

Called for street marches to intimidate her rivals.

.......and today is trying to start a war with Great Britain over the
Falklands again.

This is what the Hillary Clinton White House policy would look like,
another disaster of an emotional out of control liberal with power.

The Clinton's are 2 halves of the same insane brain on PMS and psychopathy.

.....and no Barack Obama is not much better in his psychopathy is
marrying his mother to order him around as he apparently boy toys it
with coke in sodomy.

Not exactly people who belong with their finger on a nuclear trigger.

But don't worry, Al Gore is about to arrive on the scene. He is not
insane though, just crazy.......that should comfort all.