Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thought; The Subject of the Force of Light

God placed clues into His Being and the workings of things we in this world can not see, but realize in action and at the same time can see in other reactions of physical force.

Light is one of the code words defined as an attribute of God. Love, Living Water, Consuming Flame, Word are all descriptive clues of the mathematical nature of God, but in certain ways clouded by human language.
For example, In the beginning was the Word, this is translated from Logos, which in Greek is base for Logic and in Hebrew the defining term is not so much Word, but Thought. There is a vast difference in Thought and Word and this is one of the keys in understanding the Force of Light, for the Thought of the Father Being so Creative He became alive and for a short period joined to human form as Jesus the Christ.

This Living Light Force of Thought is unseen unless manifested. Those who have experienced this in the Holy Spirit can attest this presence is warm, euphoric, complete peace, joy, love and complete in the form which fills to overflowing and expanding in the pure energizing Way this Light lives expansively in rejuvenation. This Force of Light consumes by perfection in overcoming imperfection, darkness which is an inferior light and the void which the Light fills.

In knowing the principles, the physical of the world can be observed by a stream of water entering a pool. If the water is colored one can immediately note a thrust which is fluid and rounding which moves the stationary water from it's place. In it's basics, this is the Light of God moving by force all to the Way and shaping the dimension it touches to this Will.
In this, Light is like water and water is like atmosphere in the air. They are all fluid in their condition and just as fish swims in the sea, a bird swims through the air it flies and Light when this Force moves through standing wills, thoughts or other spiritual light the Light displaces the resistance and moves to the conclusion of that Thought.

Comprehending this Thought based in Will in mirror to standing fluidity mirrors all in the geometric which is associated with Light. One can observe an atomic blast and note the mushroom cloud in it's roundness and swirling. This is the same form of clouds in the atmosphere, currents in water and the unseen waves of light which bend and move in conjunction with the rivers and eddy of time.
Light is round in form and radiant in nature. One can direct beams of it in nature, but it will still spread out as it fills by it's natural law in reflection of the Light or Thought of God. Light though is orb in nature, instant in Being and complete in form. Even when refracted as in a rainbow, it distills the very nature of God as an orb of Thought received from Him will contain all forms of being as are His attributes from emotion, direction, information etc... The Light is not just a vibrational frequency as it is in this dimension but a Living Emotion Who touches to the very physical and Spiritual inside of the form the Light touches as Creator.

In opposite, one can observe the anti light or darkness in nature. Darkness is cold and yet consumptive as in fire. If one remembers the mathematics of physics Jesus spoke of in cast out demons in they went and wandered the "dry places" before returning. As Christ is the Living Water, the demon once of the Light is now of the darkness and in complete contrast now finds restoration in the dry places.
As the Thought is fluid, the anti thought is consumptive and almost a sponge like quality in wicking away life force. It absorbs energies in an infinite way as much as God freely gives energies to restore the creation He has made.

One can observe this sponge force in everything from dried fruit, wrinkled dried skin, cracks in the mud to what I was inspired by on a walk in seeing frost left in mud which was freeze dried. These same jagged patterns yet in chaos, but still forming symmetry of design are the pattern of darkness or demons as they constrict in twisted ways in a concentration of being incapable of ever rehydrating or absorbing Light ever again which they rejected.
A star twinkling in the night is the ultimate example in illuminating not that the star has jagged edges, but like the roundness of the glow of the moon is round, but it is the darkness which is frost drawn in pattern.

This is but the physics; physical and the geometrics; shape, of the Light of God and the darkness of the demonic which is available to reveal the working properties of unseen forces in the physical which is akin to the working properties of the human in being a body growing toward the Spiritual it is intended to be.

The properties of the Thought of God or the consumption of the demonic are either planted by human will within the soul bed where the human becomes a creature of the void or a being of fulfillment.

The force of the demonic can not create and requires the void as much as the empty soul of God to inhabit for it can not inhabit space filled by the Light. It is empty and can not inhabit the full. While it's property is the emotional state of chaos, hate, lie and envy, it will utilize human love as a weapon to destroy the human which is a competitor for the place in Will the demonic lusts to inhabit.
The Breath or Wind of God is thee Force which fills the human sail or tree with the shaking of life while the demonic is the dead calm causing the human to stagnate as the weapon of time inflicts it's toll upon the consumed body.

In this force the demonic works within the constriction of frost or baked mud patterns of greed of resource. This force tires not to human will attempting to inflict on it, but it's presence fills by the nothingness it is. A dichotomy in exact opposite of the I AM what I AM and I will be what I will be, in contrast, i was not for i was not and i will not be as i can not be.
The dark force can be felt for it is a force, but it is vacant and works within the limits set by the Light overcoming it.

The research continues...........

agtG 311