Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is this the Democratic Party

I just finished watching Boston Legal on ABC which is the bastion of
liberal idiocy in socialists wearing blinders and then just finished
watching the Pennsylvania Democrats expose a completely different party

First we see liberals who wouldn't vote for a black man which is quite

Second we see liberals who wouldn't vote for a woman which is quite racist.

Splitting or spitting the difference, I hear both Barack and Hillary
fighting over the call at 3 AM. The call is about a red phone in the
White House which is dealing with launching a full scale nuclear strike
against "some nation".

Then we have Barack Obama wanting to attack a US ally in Pakistan.
Hillary I observed on ABC's Nightline with an honest glazed glowing Dr.
Strangelove look in her eyes now to going beyond selectively nuking some
Muslims to now quite joyously professing she will launch a full scale
attack on Iran wiping it from the earth with nuclear bombs.

According to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris, Hillary has gleefully
now added Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil states to the nuclear umbrella
of America in which she has now committed to starting a nuclear war if
they are attacked.

All of this is quite puzzling in first John Kerry spraying cong with
bullets reporting for duty and none of it sounds at all like Martin
Sheen or Rob Reiner escorting Chelsea around to sodomit bars in
Pennsylvania where lesbians were grabbing her butt and bragging about it.

I wonder of Hillary bragging it doesn't matter the last time she shot a
gun or went to Church.......all that matters is guns and God do matter
to her.
Barack is right on her heals in formerly voting for gun control, backing
policy where Christianity looks more like Chelsea's grab butt
festival........but now being baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and a Chevy
loaded with an H bomb.

How on earth do the leftists condone all of this as Democrats as they
have skewered George W. Bush for doing less in only liberating Iraq and
Afghanistan........but the people liberals are now in a frenzy of voting
for are liberals at all but full blown communists practicing the same
kind of policies Stalin advocating.

Perhaps we should have seen this coming in Bill Clinton allowing
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to build nuclear bombs.........Iran to buy
nuclear arms and Libya to start construction of them. The modern
Democrat bombs hospitals in Kosovo and a Chinese embassy. The modern
Democrat tries to bomb Russian troops to start World War III as Wes
Clark ordered. The modern Democrat gives millions in oil and food to
communist North Korea so they can direct all their resources into
building nuclear bombs and exporting nuclear technology to Syria.

This has all caught me off guard, maybe because I was thinking Al Gore
still was the poster boy of liberalism in Clinton money fraud and hating
guns, Americans and America........somehow though I wonder when
Huffington, Kos, Martin Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell are going to get the
subject that:

Obama and Hillary are both talking about God.......and God has all those
laws on morality which liberals hate.

Obama and Hillary are both walking around like the 6 gun sheriff.

Obama and Hillary are both implementing as policy to blow nations up
with nuclear weapons.

Obama's chief boy in Brzezinski wants to dismantle communist China and
start a war with Russia.
Hillary's chief boy in Wes Clark.........well he already tried to start
World War III with Russia.

None of that makes a whole lot of sense considering what Democrats have
been backing, since Jimmy Carter took the helm and Hubert Humphrey who
was a real Zell Miller went room temperature.

Someone perhaps needs to inform Democrats behind the woman and the
exciting black guy is a loaded nuclear arsenal both are making doctrine
in about using.
I have no idea what Democrats are listening to as these 2 candidates are
nothing in the least what they have poured millions of dollars into
fighting against and spent the past 30 years trying to elect in bad Bon
Jovi and Springstein concerts.

There is an old liberal song which I like that the Turtles recorded from
Barry McGuire called Eve of Destruction. Democrats might due well to
listen to it's verse again:

Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say
Can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today?
If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away
There'll be no one to save, with the world in a grave
Take a look around ya boy, it's bound to scare ya boy

So Democrats get this point in politically incorrect language as they
are the racists and sexists not admitting the fact, Hillary is going to
use nuclear weapons to prove she is not a skirt and Barack is going to
use nuclear weapons to prove he is not a boy.
Someone named Yuri, Ho or Abdul is going to test these two and in order
to save face and "measure up" to George W. Bush, they will unload
nuclear bombs as their policy is not to use US troops in any more wars.

The poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace
You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace
Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace
And… tell me over and over and over and over again, my friend
You don't believe
We're on the eve
Of destruction
Mm, no no, you don't believe
We're on the eve
of destruction.

Hillary and Barack are pounding the drums Democrats and these are the
people you are choosing with cheers. Do not be fooled like Ahmadinejad
of Iran in thinking this is some True Lies movie where everyone goes
home after a nuke goes off in a 2 hour show.

Hillary or Barack when they unleash these nuclear bombs are going to set
a standard of China in Tibet using nukes to Russia nuking Georgia to
solve a problem.

This is the Eve of Destruction you wanted. Liberals destroyed George
Allen who this nation needed and Kos and liberals giggled when you
elected John McCain for Republicans.
You now have 2 lunatic candidates with an even more insane Al Gore
waiting in the wings who will use nuclear bombs even faster as he was
the one in the Clinton White House screaming at Clinton to get off his

If this is what you want Democrats you had better get Pelosi and Reid to
start funding disaster shelters, mass evacuation medical centers and a 7
year supply of emergency grain now, because just like the Soviets tested
John Kennedy's inexperience in his first year and the communist Chinese
tested George W. Bush in his first year, your candidates will be tested
and their on the record response is nuclear bombs which will cause a
nuclear retaliation inside the United States.

So for some advice from someone who is actually listening to your
Democratic candidates, Democrats you had better stop worrying if it is
the 3 amigos and start pushing for Sam Nunn as Vice President, Zell
Miller as Sec. of Defense and frankly keep Condi Rice as your Sec. of
State or else in 3 years from 2009 you will have a nuclear exchange as
that is what your candidates are advocating as policy.
