Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jeff Rense, David Dees and 6 million Jews

There is quite a cottage industry in this world concerning dead Jews. On one side you have the holocaust industry raking in millions if not billions of dollars in payments from Germany in what the Nazi's did over 60 years ago in building holocaust museums all over America where the holocaust did not happen to the sniping little creatures which Jeff Rense features on his malevolent site with "art" by David Dees slapping around titles like "zionist" to paint all people who conclude the Judeans should have a homeland as some vast conspiracy to rule the world.

Well Ezra, Nehemiah and God all thought as Cyrus of Persia that Judeans should have a homeland and that would make them zionists too.

This entire genre is all distasteful from Germans tossing holocaust questioners in prison to people like David Horowitz of Frontpage banning my comments when pointing out my family lost all of our history in Prussia and find it quite offensive when the dead Jews are tallied up to find communist Jews who were thugs in eastern Europe fighting for Stalin and real Jewish soldiers fighting as red army thugs are included in the number of 6 million dead Jews.
That would be akin to making Japanese American detainees who died in camps in America listed with Japanese Imperial soldiers who murdered and tortured people in World War II. One can not mix numbers as it is reprehensible to the innocent.

Millions of people died and were murdered in World War II in genocide and religicide. It is evident to stand out that European secular Jews pushing for a homeland inflated numbers of dead Jews in double counting them and including dead communists. If one had more dead, then just a few million Germans or Russians, then you got a country while dead Catholics just got a footnote in history.
Of course, the elitist Jews have an industry in "Jews". They frighten them nonstop in stories and make Christians out to be a worse evil than Nazi' s now as a Jew growing to be a Christian is a Christian and not a Jew to glean money off of. All of that herding and lying opens doors for the real problems in the Jeff Rense, David Duke and Ahmadinejad crowds, because financier Jews of secular nature become "zionists" and they become "neocons" and the next thing we have is "Jews are all liars, the Israeli state should be wiped out and terrorists are "victims".

That is the danger in this as great as the censortate which David Horowitz runs. One side profits from a lie and gains power and the other side profits from the lie and gains leverage.

From the records I have seen in Red Cross numbers and German work camp numbers, there appears to be no 6 million dead Jews. The real number is in the plus 1 million range who were worked to death and died of starvation or disease. That is still a horrid number of religious Jews dead and any reasonable person would equate their end as bad as anything the Japanese did building the rail line on the River Kwai in Asia during World War II.

Truth is the answer in this, because leaving this fester only gives terrorists more lies to foment and gives those secular Jews more lies to create in dehumanizing people on the other side.

The people in Gaza are not Palestinians. They are ancient Philistines. They deserve a nation and the Israeli's don't want Gaza. So cut out a chunk of Sinai by Egypt to make it a secure landlocked state, have Syria donate the Golan and Jordan the West Bank to the Israeli state, have America and Arab oil states donate billions to relocate and put the money into individual Philistine's hands with the UN mandate that Jews have a home and Philistines a home. Then they can make war if they are prone to and none of this contention about how many dead Jews there were in the European holocaust compared to the retort of how many dead Palestinians there are to the Israeli holocaust to Ahmadinejad chiming in some Rense numbers of how many dead Muslims there are from the American holocaust in Iraq.

Yeah, Rense can point his anarchist finger of blame at lying Jews, but his lies of including geezer Iraqis who at age 90 would die anyway or dead Iraqi's who were terminal as all killed by American occupation, somehow just slips away in truth as Rense has his own ax to grind for his monetary cause.
Guess that makes him a Ziorense or a Renzist or just another demagogue set upon the world with a few facts and a whole lot of mouth blind to the fact that he is lying in heaps just as much as the people lying on the other side for financial gain.

The answer is the status quo is not working. Philistine babies are dying and miserable creating a new generation of terrorists to indoctrinate and religious Jewish babies are dying and miserable creating a new class of children indoctrinated with the same words that the other side is more subhuman than they are.

Put a label on them and it makes the argument more winnable they have concluded and be the bigger victim and maybe you can be awarded the other person's pot of gold.

If Rense believes so much in his cause, then let him move to Gaza to broadcast from and if David Horowitz believes so much in his censorship the Israeli state has a place for him.......then both of them can yell at each other across a fenced in internet as both are void of America principles of the minority has unalienable rights and a compromise is something which can be worked out.

Absolutism, Censortate and Revilism. It is a big business here in America where all sides come to gather money off the dead they never knew over 60 years ago but it all makes big business yet.
