Monday, April 21, 2008

John D. Rockefeller III

I have on my startup page quotes from famous people and I have noticed in the majority of them the most successful or looked up people in this world are quite a bunch of morons, morons means ignorant of the complete facts.

Today after reading John D. Rockefeller III's grand advice, a comment must be made on this as I hear too often people wanting to be "happy" and wasting their entire lives trying to be happy.

Rockefeller's quotes is :

The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it -- every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.
- John D. Rockefeller III

All of that is pure foolishness, because if one bothers to search one of the most available books in the Bible or Tanakh if you are reading a Jewish Old Testament of the Prophets, the person of Solomon comes out in two books. Proverbs which is written from a relationship with God point of understanding and Ecclesiastics which is written from a human knowledge point of view.

To quote Proverbs is to quote Wisdom for it's basis is simple. Do what is right according to God's commandments for yourself and treat others with the same care and you will find Wisdom and Peace in your soul.

To quote Ecclesiastics is to quote a fool for in that book Solomon speaks of the human under the control of times and seasons of the world. Solomon speaks of all the grand projects he built, women, his drive, his intelligence and everything a human is driven by.......and in the end he found without God it was all vanity or futile.

Want to understand why it is the financiers in Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Warburgs never have enough? It is because JD Rockefeller III expressed what drives these people. Unless they are plunging in a mania daily to "do what they think they are born to", they are not "happy".
They like the majority of people are quite miserable and that is why they conclude and judge that the sheep of the world need to be herded and sheared, because these common stupid people who are of a lower caste must be a billion times more miserable, because they do not have billions of dollars to make them "happy".

This clan of financiers are leading a life void of God and have no idea what principles fulfill a human soul and God's Spirit in them.
No where does God really promise happiness in the Bible. Jesus was not the Prince of Happiness, but the Prince of Peace.
Peace in God's terms is being fulfilled and complete. That brings contentment and a calm.......and that is the virtue God promises as anyone who listens to Him soon experiences that happiness is but a moment and is fleeting. The only thing which endures is being complete in God and the results of that are a joy which remains constant.

Teddy Roosevelt was from this patrician east coast group which gave us the American elites. He searched in his sickness and death of his wife an answer to life. His understanding which made him a complete person was not happiness, but he found that being a cowboy in testing himself in a strenuous life coupled with the virtue of being a moral person was what fulfilled a person.
It is that key element which John D. Rockefeller and the New World Order all are vacant of. They treat the masses of people like cabbage in a field to tend and harvest for their benefit. They do it to their moral standard, but if the cabbage gets eaten, is unhappy or is smashed in a cabbage war, the cabbage does not matter, but the higher calling of the book according to Order out of Chaos is what matters in the master race having precedent in "happiness" over those cabbages too rooted in the field to think beyond the next irrigation cycle.

The net result is the herding, worldwide misery and monopoly caused problems of this secularist self centered religion which the world elite practice and initiate into being from economic bubbles to oil and food shortages which are all planned for profit and control.

These people will never have enough no more than a Muslim will never have peace as they are terrified of a god of doom.
If they would listen to the message they have rejected and has been proven over and over in the Bible and out of the Bible in writings like the Strenuous Life and the Book of Virtue, then they would have enough and the world would be a place of even poor people being wealthy if they received correct recompense for labor invested.

You can not be always happy in this world for Spiritual reasons and for the fact that happiness is an electrochemical reaction in the body which feels good and wears off like a drug, because that is what it is.
You can though have Peace, contentment, fulfillment and joy in the principles God gave for good life for all people.

It is a good thing that my startup page also has on top of the quotes for the day, the daily Bible verses as those are the only quotes which really matter.
